Oregon DEQ seeks public comment on climate protection program by Sept. 27
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is extending the public comment period on a proposed climate protection program. The purpose of this rulemaking is to reestablish a climate mitigation program in place of the recently invalidated Climate Protection Program. In December 2023, the Oregon Court of Appeals determined that DEQ did not fully comply with notice requirements during the 2021 Climate Protection Program rulemaking process, thereby invalidating the program.
This rulemaking will:
- Reestablish a program to set limits on greenhouse gas emissions from significant sources in Oregon including large stationary sources, transportation fuels, and other liquid and gaseous fuels.
- Set an enforceable and declining limit, or cap, on greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels used in Oregon, including diesel, gasoline, natural gas, and propane beginning in 2025.
- Prioritize equity by promoting benefits and alleviating burdens for environmental justice communities.
- Reestablish a climate program with comparable scope and emissions reduction ambitions as the previously adopted Climate Protection Program.
DEQ is asking for public comment on the proposed rules and amendments. Anyone can submit comments and questions about this rulemaking. A person can submit comments online by email, by regular mail or at the public hearing.
- Email: [email protected]
- Post mail: Oregon DEQ, Attn: Nicole Singh, 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon 97232-4100
- At the public hearings: 4 p.m., Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024. (see below)
- At the public hearings: 3:20 – 5:20 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024 (see below)
DEQ will only consider comments on the proposed rules that DEQ receives by 4 p.m., on Friday, Sept. 27, 2024.
September Public Hearing
Thursday, Sept. 26 | 3:20 p.m. to 5:20 p.m.
Join by Zoom or at https://deq-oregon-gov.zoom.us/j/85622894176)
Phone: U.S. toll-free: 669-928-4609 Meeting ID: 856 2289 4176
EcoBiz certification offered to automotive shops outside of Eugene
Stormdrain Cleaning Assistance Program open till Oct. 31
Lane County’s Stormwater Management Program is back and accepting business applicants.
This voluntary program allows county businesses to help maintain stormdrains for a reduced flat fee of $68 per drain. Lane County coordinates in partnership with Stormwater Protection Systems (SPS). 
Lane County-based businesses can sign up each fall and spring in anticipation of heavy rainfall and more water entering the stormdrain systems. To register a company for the fall program, visit lanecountyor.gov/SCAP or email [email protected] and sign up by Oct. 31.
Stormwater often drains directly into rivers and streams without treatment, resulting in pollutants from parking lots and roadways, contributing to water quality issues. Stormdrain cleaning and maintenance are vital in ensuring clean waterways by removing contaminants like heavy metals, oil, pesticides, and fertilizers while reducing parking lot flooding.