David LoveAll, Commissioner - District 2 Springfield

David Loveall
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District 2 - Springfield
Term: January 1, 2023, through December 31, 2026 

Lane County Public Service Building
125 East 8th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401

(541) 682-4203

Office Hours
By Appointment
Monday - Friday

Commissioner David Loveall Photo

I was born and raised in Lane County. After serving in the Navy for 6 years, my wife Nita and I returned to Springfield to put down roots and raise a family. I started a commercial photography business, my wife went to Dental Hygiene school at Lane Community College and we volunteered in the community wherever we could. We have three grown children and four blossoming grandkids whom are the joy of our lives.


In 2008, we wanted to do more to invest in Springfield, so I convinced my wife to cash out our retirement and take the equity out of our house to purchase the Washburne building and what is now, the neighboring Iris Wine bar. That move was one integral part to the revitalization of downtown Springfield. Through creative partnerships and community building, we built a team of like-minded visionaries and have restored building after building, bringing jobs, housing and new hope to Springfield.


Our early efforts garnered the 2019 Business of the Year, 2019 Game Changer Award and the 2020 BEST Walkable Neighborhood. We also started the annual block party end-of-summer celebration which continues to fuel an unstoppable momentum in downtown Springfield that has become the talk of the county.


My time spent as a small business owner as well as a developer has given me a number of unique experiences which I bring to the Lane County Commission. I've seen firsthand the amazing things accomplished when people of diverse approaches come together to get things done. Government, by the people, has a huge role to play in making it possible for its citizens to pursue their dreams and to solve complex social issues.


Nita and I have also had the privilege of starting Three Sixteen Ministries International, a nonprofit that has helped build churches, orphanages, homes and infrastructure projects in Uganda as well as helping start several businesses for women. We worked to form an emergency food bank to help during the COVID- 19 lockdowns, but is still working today continuing to feed over 100 needy families a month.


I look forward to working for the people of Springfield and all of Lane County. My priorities are public safety, economic development, mental health and the building relationships to help accomplish amazing things in our community. I'm committed to people being heard by county government at all levels, so it works for all of us.


Loveall for All, wasn’t simply a campaign slogan. It's a character promise. Please don’t hesitate contact me with an email or invitation for coffee or to an event. I also host frequent town halls for constituents, so watch my facebook page for details.