
Hosted by Lane County Emergency Management, When It Hits The Fan is a  monthly podcast is all about equipping you with the knowledge and resources to be prepared and stay safe during a disaster.

To listen to episodes or see show notes and resources, please select the episode you want using the dropdown menu below.

You can also listen to episodes below or find the show on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

**If you would like to have a question answered on the upcoming Q&A episode, please send your question to [email protected] or call 541-682-4526 to leave a recorded message for us to use on the podcast.**




Season 1, Episode 1: Welcome! And, what the heck is emergency management?

Lane County Emergency Manager Tiffany Brown talks big picture about what emergency management does when disaster strikes. 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen online or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

A transcript is available online.

Season 1, Episode 3: When is it time to go? The Sheriff's role in evacuations

Lane County Sheriff Cliff Harrold talks about what it's like to make the decision to evacuate people from their homes, what that means for residents, and how each level of evacuation requires different actions from the people affected. 

Resources for this episode:

Listen online or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

A transcript is available online.

Season 1, Episode 4: Do you have a way to get emergency alerts?

Emergency Manager Tiffany Brown covers the basics of emergency alerting, including what tools Lane County uses, how people can sign up to get important safety information, and when the alerts don't work. 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen online or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

A transcript is available online. 

Season 1, Episode 5: What should you put in a Go Bag?

Episode scheduled for release on September 19.

Emergency Manager Tiffany Brown talks about how to be ready and what to take with you when sheltering at home is not an option.


Go Bags should have the supplies needed to sustain you for 72 hours: water, medications, warm layers, etc.


Tiffany also covers the 6 Ps – the 6 categories of things you should take with you when you need to evacuate your home: People and pets, prescriptions, Personal computer, Papers, Pictures, Plastic.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Listen online
 or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

A transcript is available online. 

Season 1, Episode 6: Ready to evacuate your pet without getting your whiskers in a whirl?

Episode scheduled for release on October 24.

Greenhill Human Society Executive Director Cary Lieberman joins Tiffany to talk about how to prepare for evacuation with your pets, tips to help reduce their stress during an evacuation, and community resources that help people with their pets before and during an evacuation. 

Episode resources:

Listen online or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

A transcript is available online. 

**If you would like to have a question answered on the upcoming Q&A episode, please send your question to [email protected] or call 541-682-4526 to leave a recorded message for us to use on the podcast.**