FEMA BiOp Pre-Implementation Compliance Measures

Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Biological Opinion (BiOp) Pre-Implementation Compliance Measures (PICM)

In July 2024, FEMA notified National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) communities that interim compliance with the Oregon BiOp and Endangered Species Act (ESA) would be required by December 1, 2024. Since Lane County received that notice, staff have been reviewing the options for compliance, called Pre-Implementation Compliance Measures or PICMs. 

Staff held a work session with the Board of County Commissioners on October 9, 2024 (the Staff Agenda Cover Memo for the work session can be accessed here) and on November 5, 2024. On November 12, 2024, staff held an executive session and third work session on the topic, and received direction from the Board for Lane County to choose a hybrid approach of the Model Ordinance and Permit-by-Permit PICM pathways. Staff has informed FEMA of Lane County's chosen approach and staff will be initiating a legislative code amendment project to adopt the Model Ordinance and an allowance for "Permit-by-Permit" review. If you would like to be added to a list of interested parties for the future code amendment to receive public hearing notices and other project information, please reach out to the staff contact listed below.

For more information on the PICMs, please review the following resources:

Staff Contact: 
Questions may be directed to:

Rachel Serslev, Senior Planner
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 541-682-6903