
Wildfire is one of the most common - and most destructive - hazards in Lane County. 

People who live in rural areas or the wildland-urban interface should be especially prepared for wildfire season. 

Sign up for emergency alerts

First responders in Lane County use Lane Alerts to send important emergency information, including evacuation notifications.


Start by creating a FREE account at www.LaneAlerts.org.

Provide your home, work and other important addresses and at least one contact method.

Check your account at least once a year to make sure your information is still correct.

Part of being prepared for an emergency is knowing how you will receive emergency alerts and life safety information. Lane Alerts is one important tool, but responders use several to alert residents. Watch the video at
www.LaneCountyOR.gov/EmergencyAlerts to learn more about those tools and decide which ones you will rely on in the event of an emergency.

Understand what the different evacuation levels mean

If your home is put under an evacuation notice do you know what that means? There are 3 levels:

🟢 Level 1 (Be Ready)

🟡 Level 2 (Be Set)

🔴 Level 3 (GO NOW)

Download an evacuation guide to learn what each level means and how you can be prepared.


Remember to take the 6 Ps when you evacuate:

👨👩👦 🐶 People & pets

💊 Prescriptions

📁 Papers

💻 Personal computer

🖼️ Pictures

💳 Plastic (and cash)


Knowing what each level means and being prepared will help keep you and your family safe. Watch a short video about evacuation levels at www.LaneCountyOR.gov/evacuation.

Have a plan for pets and livestock

Don’t forget to include your pets in your emergency plans. Learn about caring for pets in a disaster at www.LaneCountyOR.gov/LCAID.

Large animals and livestock require a lot more advance planning to safely move them in the event of an evacuation.
Read a large animal evacuation guide at https://bit.ly/LCLargeAnimalEvacuation

Monitor current conditions

There are several public resources that can help you monitor the conditions in your area.


Oregon Wildfire Response & Recovery from Oregon Emergency Management

  • Find an interactive map of current fires, air quality information, fire danger on Oregon Department of Forestry lands, and more.


 Wildfire cameras from ALERTWest and the University of Oregon Hazards Lab

  • Live feed of cameras located throughout the Oregon and the Western United States


 Air quality information from Lane Regional Air Protection Agency

  • Includes local air quality information with an interactive map.


Forecasts and weather alerts from the National Weather

FEMA’s mobile app for weather alerts

Protect your property before a wildfire starts

Take steps to help protect your home from wildfire by learning about creating survivable space around your home. The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s Office has great resources available at OregonDefensibleSpace.org.

2024 Wildfire Season Evacuation Information -

Click here for information about active evacuations.