Finance and Audit

Finance and Audit is a standing committee. The County sees a need for standing committees to advise the Board of Commissioners or the County Administrator in areas of interest of the County. Each standing committee shall provide an annual report to the Board by February of each year that highlights the progress, successes and challenges of the committee.   


The committee's function is broad based, to provide recommendations to the Board regarding the following:

(a) Review and monitor the current procedures to insure the existence of an effective financial system with appropriate internal controls.

(b) Maintain overview responsibilities for both external and internal audit functions.

(c) Review the development and implementation of a multi-year audit program for Lane County.

(d) Monitor the annual review of departmental fee-for-services preparatory to the ensuing fiscal year's budget process and evaluate the feasibility of potential significant alternative revenue sources, as may be identified.

(e) Provide a communication link between the independent auditors and the Board.

(f) Develop and implement internal management audits of specific units of County government. These audits are to be both fiscal and operational.

(g) Analysis of new programs that offer opportunities to increase economy and efficiency in County operations.

(h) Review and monitor the development of a multi-year financial plan that forecasts revenue and expenditures for major County programs.

(i) Review any other proposals having financial impact on County operations.

(j) Oversee and evaluate County Performance Auditor.

Meeting Schedule

Meets the third Thursday of every month
1:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Commissioners' Conference Room, Public Service Building, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene.
Contact Person: Jason Miles (541-682-2922)
(More than two Commissioners may attend this meeting)


Two Lane County Board of Commissioners.
One elected department director or designee.
County Administrator – non-voting.
County Counsel – non-voting.
Nonvoting department managers and staff support, as required.

Membership Term

Commissioners appointed through annual committee assignments process at the Board. Staff members serve indefinite terms


Two members of the Lane County Board of Commissioners shall be appointed as a representative to this committee.

Expiration Date



Either through the annual committee assignments process at the Board (Commissioner Representative) or vote of committee (county staff committee members).
Contact Us:
Jason Miles

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