APRIL 13, 2011 Minutes HACSA

April 13, 2011
11:30 a.m.
Commissioners’ Conference Room
APPROVED 5-18-2011

Commissioner Faye Stewart presided with Commissioners Jay Bozievich, Rob Handy, Joe Inman,  Sid Leiken, Judith Pothier and Pete Sorenson present.  County Administrator Liane Richardson and Recording Secretary Melissa Zimmer were also present.


Stewart added a DISCUSSION on HACSA meeting times.






a.  ORDER 11-4-13-1H/In the Matter of Accepting a Bid and Awarding Contract #11-C-0038 for the McKenzie Village Ductless Heat Pumps.

Dorothy Cummings, HACSA, explained that the contract had no irregularities.  She indicated they were still receiving fantastic bids. 

Craig Satein, HACSA, explained that there are many benefits to the ductless heat pump systems.  He said there will be an estimated energy savings of about $171 per unit.  He said in looking at the entire complex of 172 units, there is enough combined energy savings  equivalent to about 500 tons of CO2 on an annual basis or 66 average vehicles off the road.  He added that the cost savings for the complex is about $30,000 on an annual basis.  He commented that the impacts of these types of programs go far beyond the original intention  to increase the comfort of the residents.  He indicated that they also enjoy the additional benefit by having clean air and reducing greenhouse gases.

MOTION: to approve ORDER 11-4-13-1H.


VOTE: 7-0.


Stewart REPORTed that they haven’t taken formal action to have a HACSA Resident Commissioner be chair.  He asked if any of the Resident Commissioners wanted to be chair.

Pothier asked if instead of being referred to as Resident Commissioners if they could be referred to as Appointed Commissioners.  She thought by using the word residents, (with the residents at the complexes) the housing residents don’t give them any credit or authority.  She said the residents don’t count them as a commissioner on the Board.  She wanted them to be referred to as Appointed Commissioners.

Cummings noted the Bylaws read that there are five elected commissioners and two appointed commissioners and one of the appointed commissioners must be from a housing complex.  She added they would need to change the bylaws to elect an appointed commissioner as chair.  She said currently the HACSA Bylaws state  that the Lane County Chair is also the chair for HACSA.

MOTION: to direct staff to  come back with alternatives to select the Board Chair of HACSA and what to call the members of the Board.

Sorenson MOVED, Pothier SECONDED.

Cummings asked if they should time this for January when the new Lane County Board of Commissioner Board Chair is appointed.

Stewart wanted to get the language in now.  He said as current chair he would be willing to step aside if a majority of the members wanted to appoint someone else.

Pothier wanted to make the housing community more aware of what the commissioners are involved with and the housing programs involved in the community. 

Stewart recalled that over the past years the Board had several meetings with the agency out in different places touring facilities.  He added there were meetings about strategic planning and goal setting.  He thought a HACSA chairperson could bring more ideas and the Board could be more active.

VOTE: 6-0 (Handy excused).

c.  DISCUSSION/Meeting Times

Stewart said they are coordinating having the meetings in the BCC.  He wanted to honor the request that as a HACSA Board they meet upstairs and to meet everyone time’s constraint.

Inman said the meetings in the  BCC or Harris Hall are fine.  He indicated that meeting at 11:30 a.m. didn’t work for him because he is dependent on public transportation.  He liked the 9:00 a.m. meetings.

Satein indicated that when they use phones in Harris Hall, they can’t hear the person on the line.  He preferred meeting in the BCC.

Stewart said they will continue to use the BCC and they will make the HACSA meetings at 9:00 a.m. as they did in the past.

5.   EXECUTIVE SESSION as per ORS 192.660


There being no further business, Commissioner Stewart adjourned the meeting at 12:15 p.m.

Melissa Zimmer
Recording Secretary

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