JUNE 22, 2011 Minutes Morning Session


June 22, 2011
9:00 a.m.
Harris Hall Main Floor

APPROVED 7/6/2011

Commissioner Faye Stewart presided with Commissioners Jay Bozievich, Rob Handy, Sid Leiken and Pete Sorenson present.  County Administrator Liane Richardson, County Counsel Stephen Vorhes and Recording Secretary Melissa Zimmer were also present.


Item 8c will be pulled for the second week of July.  Stewart announced that Don Epperson will be bringing the American Legion Oregon Boys State to attend the meeting.  Sorenson pulled the minutes of April 27, 2011 for 9:00 a.m. to be rescheduled.


a. PUBLIC HEARING AND ORDER 11-6-22-1/In the Matter of Adopting the 2011-2012 Lane County Budget, Making Appropriations and Levying Taxes.

Christine Moody, Budget and Planning Manager, recalled she came to the Board last week to begin a work session to discuss any changes the Budget Committee made and to review any adjustments the departments had made to their budgets since the approved budget and to get input from the commissioners on any input anyone might want to give.  She recounted that Bozievich had requested information on the CCA funding. She provided a memo from Susan Sowards.  (Copy in file).  She also provided a graph that shows the use of general fund by the Department of Health and Human Services over the past ten years.  She said there was a question on whether it had gone up exponentially, but it has stayed relative flat.  She added there was a dip in FY 08/09 so the budget was adopted lower.  She indicated that Health and Human Services will have a dip in FY 11/12.  She provided a budget adoptions options worksheet.  (Copy in

Stewart noted there was information since the Budget Committee regarding the $250,000 transfer from the road fund.  He said there have been legitimate concerns raised and it appears it will be difficult for them to justify the transfer and be able to get reimbursed through the patrol function through the Sheriff’s Department for the additional $250,000. 

Bozievich indicated that Proposal 4 was proposed by the department head from Health and Human Services in lieu of looking at anything with the LCAS budget  to give them a year to deal with the partners at LCAS.  He noted that none of the proposals today are to deal with LCAS.  He noted they were coming up $16,000 short of what they had to transfer to HSC for the $13,000 community match. He asked if they could look at the commissioners’ contingency funds to make that up as a community match.

Moody explained what is referred to as the commissioners’ contingency is $25,000 in a contingency in general expense.

Bozievich wanted to use their individual office fund. 

Stewart commented that this budget process has been difficult.  He said they have been challenged with having to balance the budget with $7.5 million less than what they had last year to maintain services.  He said there is about $4 million worth of direct cuts in the budget and $3.5 million worth of assumptions.  He hoped through savings through employees in the future and/or furlough days being recommended that they will be able to balance and not impact all areas of County government.

Sorenson offered an alternative view to Stewart’s view.  He commented that this budget increases the salary for the highest paid employees in the County.  He said the budget has approved the previous Board decision to destroy the Extension Building at the Fairgrounds when it was offered for rehabilitation by St. Vincent de Paul.  He stated the choices in the budget are many.  He wanted the citizens to speak out about the cuts against human services and social services.

Stewart asked Sorenson whose salary he was referring to.  He said that the contract approved for Richardson is not an increase in the cost for the position.

Richardson recalled there was a scrivener’s error on it but the contract negotiations all along had her receiving less than the former County Administrator Jeff Spartz. When she caught the error when she was at a conference last week, she asked that it be fixed.  She stated that she actually received a reduction in pay when it is compared to the former County Administrator Spartz.

Commissioner Stewart opened the Public Hearing.

Terry McDonald, St. Vincent de Paul, Eugene, understood the Board has a difficult budget to deal with.  He knows they have to make sure the budget comes in so it can be balanced. He added in any business they are looking for allies and ways to make funds go as far as possible.  He said programs like Sponsors and St. Vincent de Paul and the Egan Warming Center invites the public to come forward and create opportunities for them to make less money go further.  He commented that these programs are long term investments in the community.  He said human services organizations are good at leveraging funds that come into the community. He indicated that he has leveraged between five and ten to one, with the dollars the County invested.  He added they are real dollars that end up going into the tax base creating jobs and employment in the community.  He understands there is the need for the resources to be used well, but he said it is seldom when they have the opportunity to have this kind of leveraging that does so much for the community.  He commented that without the programs and the infrastructure, the Board’s job becomes more difficult.  He wanted to preserve the funds for these programs.

Tucker Mollers, Marcola, said he is a graduate from LCC, recently engaged to be married and an active voter.  He said he is also a Veteran.  He stated when he returned from the war he was devastated and started drinking heavily, made bad decisions and was in prison for four years. He got in touch with Tom English at Sponsors and English encouraged Mollers to get a bed at Sponsors.  He said that Sponsors got him out of prison a month early so he could attend college.  He said his life is going well now due to Sponsors.  He hopes the Board keeps Sponsors.

David Flores, Eugene, discussed the Egan Warming Center and how vitally important it is to the community.  He hopes the funding remains the same and there isn’t any additional cuts made to the service.

Ken Neubeck, Eugene, stated he is a volunteer for the Egan Warming Center.  He commented that it is a lifesaving institution.  He thought that no one would choose to be there unless they have to be there.  He stated that people are being saved as a consequence of the Egan Warming Center.  He urged the Board to fund Egan.

William Wise, Eugene, said they have to face the dilemma there is not enough money to go around.  He said that fear urges them to spend more on public safety and compassion urges them to help families and children who have no place to sleep and basic human needs go unmet because jobs and housing cannot be found.  He said they address the symptoms instead of the causes.  He commented that they try to solve their social problems through enforcement.  He said the proposed budget shows devastating cuts to human services.  He asked the Board not to give into fear and cut more.

Doug Boles, Project Director, Egan Warming Center, thanked the Board for the funding the County has given in the past.  He said they have leveraged the County’s contribution into tens of thousands of volunteer hours.  He said they will continue to do so. He noted for the funding for the cost of about one sixth of a full time professional at the County level they have provided about 45,000 volunteer hours.  He commented that this is an investment in better outcomes and better choices for the people in the community.

Krishna Khalsa, Eugene, said he came to the Board about 18 months ago to ask the Board’s support to rectify the situation relating to the Sikh community that has been dedicated to humanitarian services to the local community.  He said they have been doing this work with St. Vincent de Paul for about a decade.  He commented that it took the death of a human being to trigger this movement.  He asked the Board to sustain the funding they can for the Egan Warming Center.

Julia Pommest, Eugene, supported the human service programs that are vital to the strength of the community.  She understands that with declining revenues the Board has to do something.  She was not prepared to accept declining revenues.  She said they need to figure out a way on how they are not going be in this situation year after year.  She said the prison population has gone up by 250 percent.  She said they are incarcerating more people and it costs money.  She stated that census figures show that violent crimes and crimes against property have declined.  She said they can put money back in budgets if they are not incarcerating people.  She stated that people need to pay more taxes.  She was prepared to pay a higher capital and income tax rate.    She said they need to support a change and not be in that position again.

Duncan Murray, Eugene, commented that according to the Lane County Criminal Justice Report, Lane County has one half of the national average of sworn officers per capita.  He noted of the 36 Oregon counties, Lane County ranks 35th in the same category of sworn officers per capita.  He stated that Lane County has property crimes 13 percent higher than the Oregon average.  He said there are some in the room that would further cut public safety funds and leave the citizens caught with a low number of people enforcing the law and high crime rates.  He asked the Board to do their best to keep them safe.

Hal Reed, Eugene, believes the first priority of local government is to fund a criminal justice system that ensures the citizens are properly protected.  He commented that to do otherwise is irresponsible.  He said Lane County is in a mess because of the terrible tax base.  He said the only way they have been able to survive is with federal money.  He added that money will be going away and the budget priorities will make it almost impossible to get any meaningful money out of the feds.  He said it was time for the Board to step up and make the hard choices.  He said if public safety is the first priority, there is enough money.  He said then all of the competing services have to take a back seat.  He said if the people want to fund the other services, then put it to a vote to see how many votes they get and go from there.  He thinks people interested in solving the problem should come up with a solution that is appropriate to the magnitude of the problem faced by Lane County.  He stated that the Board must vote to keep the citizens safe.

Erin Bonner, Veneta, said there are tough choices that have to be made.  She thanked the Board for supporting human services agencies.  She commented that these times have been devastating to families in Lane County with the increased homelessness and need for food and other assistance.  She supported the Lane County Budget Committee’s recommendation to provide additional funding for the Human Services Commission.  She added the funds will leverage additional dollars from the city of Eugene and private donors for central services in the community.

Bob Sowden, Cottage Grove, said his item was taken off the agenda.  He agreed with Hal Reed on the budget for public safety.

Jennifer Hutchens, Eugene, said she used drugs at age 9, committed crimes and went to prison.  She got involved in the Turning Point Program which is an intensive inpatient treatment center for six months and was released to Sponsors.  When she was in prison she had a baby.  She said thanks to Sponsors she was granted visits of her son and she got a job at Wendy’s.  She said she has a stable life and she has not had that for a long time.  She asked the Board to keep the funding for Sponsors.

Susan Jacobson Hopkins, Eugene, said she has been a member of the community for over 37 years and is a member of Temple Beth Israel.  She spoke on behalf of the Egan Warming Center.  She and her husband have been unemployed and they are a stress on their religious community.  She indicated that she would be homeless if it wasn’t for the help of her community.  She said that Egan provides help with pets and the mission doesn’t.  She commented that every penny the County spends they will get back. She said they can’t rely on the goodwill at this time in the community because it is hard for many people in the community.  She asked the Board to find the money.

Paul Solomon, Eugene, Executive Director, Sponsors, discussed the Community Corrections Budget.  He noted that Sponsors is taking a $275,000 cut that represents 52 percent of the Community Corrections funding.  He said they might lose 24 hour a day staffing and likely shut down their sex offender program, putting ten high risk sex offenders on the street.  He added they may lose an additional 20 to 30 beds of transitional capacity.  He said Sponsors provides service and housing for approximately 350 high risk offenders who are homeless and indigent each year.  He commented that without these services, people will wind up on the streets of the community or in the same environment that led to their incarceration, at great risk to reoffend.  He said it costs them about $30 per day to provide wrap around services.  He added that they contract for 44 beds but are able to provide 91 beds of service as a result of their expanded capacity.  He said for a modest investment, they play an intricate role in their public safety service.  He commented that Sponsors represents one of the best investments they can make to reduce crime and make their community a safer place to live.  He encouraged the Board to move on the PSCC recommendation that was unanimously passed to restore $100,000 of the $275,000 cut they are facing.

Ron Chase, Eugene, stated that he had just retired as the Director of Sponsors after 23 years.  He asked the Board to reject the PSCC recommendation regarding CCA funding and to restore Sponsors funding at 90 percent of its current level.  He said that would mean Sponsors would take a ten percent cut above the nine percent in the CCA funds and less than the 52 percent cut the PSCC is recommending.  He added that Sponsors in the next year’s budget does not get any County general fund money.  He thought the only way to add resources and revenue to the Lane County Public Safety System is through grants and Sponsors is well positioned to get them.  He said it is bad public policy and it sends a message to the community that Lane County is about beds and badges at the cost of treatment.  He said that choice will come back to haunt Lane County when and if they go to the voters for public safety services.  He urged the Board to restore Sponsors’ money.

Carla Ayres, Eugene, said she is the Director of Women’s Services for Sponsors.  She said she oversees the women’s program and they serve 100 women per year and 35 children.  She presented 367 post cards from Lane County residents concerned about the budget.  She said that members of the community understand that Sponsors works and for every high risk person who successfully completes their program, they go on to become drug free, tax abiding paying members of the community.  She said Sponsors has created a new delivery service model adding new programs and using evidence based practices to work with high risk offenders.   She noted that 65 percent to 75 percent of the people who enter the program successfully complete it. She added that she supports the recommendation from the PSCC to restore $100,000 of the budget back to Sponsors.  She commented that to reduce the Sponsors’ budget by 52 percent would substantially reduce public safety.

Wayne Ford, Eugene, Chair of the Homeless Action Coalition, said they decided to call the Egan Warming Center survival centers.  He said they are survival centers for people who are going to die if they are not there.  He asked the Board when they look at the budget, to not just look at the cost of the programs, but look at the cost of not having them.  He commented when a Sponsors bed is closed, it brings more crime.  He asked the Board to think about the cost of cutting these programs before they talk about the cost of the program in the short run and think about what the cuts today will do in five years.

Richard Green, Eugene, said the PSCC Budget sends Sponsors under the bus.  He said at a time when the local economy has collapsed, they found the funding to build a $5.5 million state of the art facility with the latest in reentry programs.  He added with a stroke of a pen, the Board is going to devastate that accomplishment.  He commented the Board is going to make a mockery of their own words.  He said the Board is about to make the wrong choice.  He said they are sacrificing a proven cost effective nationally renowned program to hire a couple more parole officers.  He asked the Board to restore not $100,000, but 90 percent of the funding they will be cutting.

Tony Meyer, Eugene, said as a retired Parole Office he worked for Lane County for 26 year and he now works as a case manager for Sponsors.  He said Sponsors does risk assessments on people coming out of prison and jail.  He said that Sponsors provides housing for people coming out of prison.  He commented that Sponsors is doing a fine job with people coming out of prison but their budget is being cut by 52 percent.  He said that was not acceptable.  He commented that they have to make cuts but they have a viable program that carefully takes care of offenders coming out in the community.  He stated to cut Sponsors by 52 percent would be unconscionable.  He asked the Board to restore some of their funding and to try to make a balance.  He added if they don’t have a balance of corrections, things will not work.

Rita Castillo, Springfield, asked the Board not to cut the Egan Warming Center or LCAS.

Marcus Esser, Eugene, asked the Board not to cut the funding for Sponsors.  He said he is a success in progress and he attributes that to Sponsors.  He asked the Board to support Sponsors and people like him.

Russ Pease, Junction City, said he pays taxes and has avoided incarceration.  He said that his tax dollars don’t need to go to programs because of their track record.   He thought they needed to address this differently and to change how they are doing things. He said there needs to be more support from the nuclear family and recognize people who do right every day.  He said they don’t need more taxes.  He stated that he feels intimated often in Eugene by some of the people with their problems and he wants to see the Sheriff and public services supported so they will protect him.  With regard to Sponsors, he said they are spending less money than they spent on defending two commissioners who were found guilty of doing incorrect actions.  He thought that money should be repaid to the County budget and then it could be available for some of the services.

Bill McCollum,  Veneta, said he is a homeless Veteran’s advocate.  He said many use the Egan Warming Centers and are combat Veterans.  He noted up to 30 percent of the homeless are Veterans.  He added that 80 percent of those homeless Veterans do not or cannot use conventional shelters or missions.  He said many homeless Veterans utilize the Egan Warming Center.  He hoped the Board will continue funding the Egan Warming Center to the maximum level they can.

Steve Lee, Eugene, said the County did a new poll to see what people thought of services in the County.  He said of all the services, crime prevention rated third from the worst in the County, other than economic development and road repair.  He added in North Eugene, it has the second lowest rating.  He noted that 29 percent of the people thought crime prevention was good or excellent and less than a third of the people in Lane County who answered the poll think that.  He added that they think higher about animal control, health services, and services to seniors, services to youth, to low income, public information, emergency preparedness, preservation of national resources and drug and alcohol services.  He said all rated higher in all five districts than crime prevention.  He thought the Board should be careful about suggesting furloughs that  might end up costing more deputies.  He said it is hard to do a 24/7 program on furloughs and in the DA’s office.  He noted for the DA’s office there might be a four to one loss in dollars.

Alessio Lazzaretti, Eugene, said he has volunteered for the Egan Warming Center.

Marion Malcolm, Eugene, said that she supports the Egan Warming Center.  She stated the Egan Warming Center is a program that saves lives.  She wanted Egan to get the full $30,000 when there is talk about $17,000 and a match.  She indicated that the community has matched the $30,000 that has been provided by the County for the past several years.  She said she wants to live in a safe and healthy community for her family.  She didn’t want the Board to make any further cuts from the Budget Committee in social services.  She wanted to see the Human Services Commission get the full $50,000.  She is concerned about the cuts to Sponsors.  She believed that Sponsors is a crime prevention program.  She commented that everyone will do better when communities are safer and stronger and provide opportunities for everyone.

Cindy Land, Eugene, stated she is a former Budget Committee member.  She recalled that last summer  they did a study of the number of budgeted FTE versus the number of actually current active FTE in Lane County.  She noted there was a difference about 143 people that were budgeted, but not actually working on the payroll.  She recommended running the study again through HR to see if they can find about 111 FTE that are budgeted in the current budget that may or may not actually be working in the system.  She thought if they could pull 12 people at an average of $103,000 per year, they could save enough money to put the DA back, public safety, Egan Warming and other compassionate services they need.

Shaylor Scalf, Junction City, applauded the commissioners for the cuts, as it takes guts and they are doing the right thing.  He commented that 87 percent of the people want to be homeless.  He recommended taking 13 percent and put it into the program. He added that 75 percent of the people who get out of prison go back.  He added that 75 percent of the prisoners who go into a religious program stay.  He thought if the Board wanted to put money into a program, to put money into religious programs.    He said people shouldn’t expect the government to pay for all the people.

Joann Ernst, Eugene, said she is an EWEB Commissioner, but she is speaking as a community member of Lane County.  She commented in Lane County they are experiencing difficult times.  She said it is time to start thinking outside of the box.  She said they should determine how they can change the direction and come up with a revenue source that can support the community to be safe and healthy.  She said it has been found there are a number of employees listed in a budget that are not actually working and the revenue could be used in other places.  She said they should not cut down the forests for revenue.  She stated that clear cutting leads to more devastation of the environment.  She hoped the Board can continue to fund the Egan Warming Center.

Lisa Wolverton, Eugene, stated she was  happy to find LCAS not on the chopping block.  She stated that LCAS has done a lot of work in the community.  She said LCAS has suffered budget cuts and urged the Board to resist cutting this year and next year. She said they need a new shelter.  She commented that LCAS is not just about animals.  She stated that animals are crucial to people and families who have nothing else.  She said when the Board supports LCAS, they support the community and the humane values.

Judy Brown, Springfield, said she is a member of the Egan Warming Center Coalition.  She said the funding the Board has provided in the past has enabled them to have a coordinating agency in St. Vincent de Paul. 

Peg Morton, Eugene, thought it was tragic they were competing against each other when all the services are important.  She wanted to have a cooperative agreement that works.  She said she was a prisoner in a federal prison.  She said it was a life changing experience to be in the prison.  She hoped that 90 percent of Sponsors will be maintained.

Scott Bartlett, Eugene, stated he was the Chair of the Budget Committee, but he is speaking as a citizen.   He said what the County does is intervening at the last point in a life saving way.  He noted that even though the County only gets nine cents on a dollar, it is Lane County that comes through.  He urged the Board not to permit one part of Lane County to take cheap shots at another just to jockey for a limited amount of money.  He thought they needed to go to the public for more money.

Elizabeth Lane, Springfield, was concerned about the $17,000 match from the community for the Egan Warming Center.  She stated the community is so high in unemployment.  She commented that instead of moving forward, they are moving backward with homelessness.  She supported the Egan Warming Center.

Ruth Duemler, Eugene, stated they can’t have children staying outside in freezing temperatures.  She wants Sponsors and the Egan Warming Center, as it is a good investment in the community.  She wished the County could give more.  She stated that Oregon has the highest percentage of new millionaires in the United States.  She stated they are faced with the dilemma of not enough money.  She stated they need to charge the tax structure.  She noted that people are holding up banks so they can receive medical care.  She asked the Board to support Sponsors and the Egan Warming Center.

Steve Sieczkawski, Eugene, Citizens for a Safe Lane County, said there are only 260 beds for local offenders in Lane County out of 4,600 square miles.  He said it costs the jail about $134 per day per inmate and if they take out the book in, it costs about $94 per day to house an offender in the Lane County Jail.  He asked if they don’t have a facility to store offenders, then what else do they have.  He recalled there were 12,600 book ins last year.  He added there are over 3,200 capacity based releases in the Jail.  He said without the arresting officer on the street, everything else is moot.

Moshe Immerman, Eugene, indicated the Board doesn’t have to cut revenue, he has a solution.  He said they are dealing with millions of dollars for global warming in Lane County.  He said a carbon fee is not a tax.  He said they could raise $20 to $100 million per year.  He added that it will improve their bond rating in about a year.  He said it will generate between $20 and $100 million  in disposal income for the citizens of Lane County.  He wanted the Board to hold a hearing on how they fund Public Works and roads and bridges using a carbon fee.  He noted there are 86,000 vehicles in Lane County and they pay nothing for a carbon fee.  He thought they should look for an ordinance.

Peggy Whalen, Executive Director, Women’s Space, Eugene, said the public safety and human services are vital to the community.  She supported the Lane County Budget Committee’s recommendation to provide additional funding to human services.  She noted that Women Space has received 2,000 more calls on their crisis line in 2010 than in 2009.  She noted for the state of Oregon, Domestic Violence is the only violent crime that is increasing. She asked the Board to support $80,000 in funding, as it will save lives in Lane County.

Dan Bryant, Eugene, talked about homelessness at his church.  He said churches are overwhelmed and he didn’t know how much they can do.  He said the public private partnership is essential.  He noted the religious community makes up 25 percent of Lane County.  He urged the Board to continue to support the Egan Warming Center and the work done through the Human Services Commission.

Sue Craig, Eugene, said she works as a volunteer at the Egan Warming Center.  She said that the Board knows movers and shakers that have wealth in the community.  She didn’t think they were at the meeting today. She said they need to be a part of the solution. She asked how they are going to pay for the things in the future. 

Mark Marcoe, Eugene, said he works for St. Vincent de Paul as the weekend manager at the Service Station, the day use facility for homeless people.  He commented that the Egan Warming Center is a good investment and needs to exist.

Alex Gardner, District Attorney, thought the Board was doing a great job.  He commented that it was laughable to describe Lane County as a beds and badges jurisdiction.  He recalled that Lane County had 99 patrol deputies 30 years ago and they currently have 16 and the question is whether they are going to drop to 14.  He said they had over 24 detectives in the Sheriff’s Office 30 years ago and they now have between two and four.  He recalled they had 800 sworn troopers at Oregon State Police 30 years ago and they now have 300 today, but the population of Oregon has increased.  He said they used to have 11 criminal  investigators in the DA’s office and they are now down to two in the Criminal Division.  He noted the jail capacity today is one fifth of the national average on a per thousand crimes basis.  He indicated there is a relationship between all the pieces.  He said if they don’t fund the DA’s office, they don’t get the people and then they don’t get the Community Corrections money that goes along with the people.  He recalled the last time there was a cut in the DA’s office, (for a savings of a couple hundred thousand dollars) they saw a $1 million cut in revenue because they no longer had the engine to fund the services.  He added when they cut the capacity of the Lane County Jail to where it is presently, they can’t function properly in the treatment environment.   He said they end up sending more people to prison at the state level that costs everyone a lot of money.  He noted if they could increase the local capacity and make the treatment better, Lane County wouldn’t be leading the state in crime problems and prison population numbers. 

Tom Turner, Sheriff, said that Lane County has had trouble providing an adequate public safety system.  He noted that they are at some of the lowest levels in the country, not just the County.  He said the difficulty is trying to determine what needs to be cut. He said the County is running out of money and the hardest choices need to be made.  He said to participate in Sponsors, someone has to be arrested, prosecuted, incarcerated and supervised.  He noted those were the four services that are at risk.  He said the financial future is bad and the next is worse.  He said they don’t have beds and badges.  He said the cuts they are talking about equates to $29.50 per day.  He indicated they have had troubles running all the services.  He warned the Board to get ready for this.

Karim Walsh, stated he is a board member of Sponsors.  He said to slash a working program is a terrible thing.  He said everyone has to take care of each other.  He said the Board has the opportunity to revise the Sheriff’s budget.    He said if they slash Sponsors, he doesn’t think two more Probation Officers will be enough.

Toni Webber, Junction City, said as a member of the County, she knows they don’t have law enforcement they need.  She said the people committing the crimes are making the choice to do so.  She commented that without law enforcement, the common citizens of the County are not protected and they don’t feel they have anyone to turn to when they get burglarized or robbed or for the other crimes that are happening in the community.  She stated that law enforcement is the one thing they need to defer these people and not encourage them to continue to commit crimes in the community.

Chuck Hardy, said he is Vice President Lane County Police Officers Association, and a Deputy with Lane County.  He said if they don’t have adequate personnel and backup, that it puts everyone in jeopardy.  He stated the men and women who work for Lane County patrol are by themselves because they don’t have enough personnel.  He said their resources are thin and it is stressful.  He commented that the people in law enforcement respect all of the people in the community and they appreciate the support.  He stated they are trying to do the best job they can with limited resources and will continue to do it with whatever decision is made.

There being no one else signed up to speak, Commissioner Stewart closed the Public Hearing.

Stewart said there was a list of four amendments to the approved budget the Budget Committee forwarded.  He said in the research he did, he believed they need to reassess the transfer of road funds in a different manner.  He didn’t believe they could access those funds to pay for the services they programmed in.  He was in favor of taking it out of the approved budget and to have a discussion about how those services could be replaced in other ways.

Moody explained the four options are: 1) LRAPA fine revenue, adding that into the budget  for $70,000, decreasing the O & C reserve by $30,000 then offsetting the Community Correction Act dollars in the Sheriff’s Office by $100,000 to free up $100,000 of CCA funding for Sponsors; 2) removing $30,000 to the HSC for emergency warming centers and replacing it with a $17,000 community match,  by decreasing the O & C reserve, thereby increasing the Service Stabilization Reserve back up by $30,000; 3) the road fund transfer removal , the additional $250,000 the Budget Committee had put in, the funds were $200,000 in the DA’s office to restore two prosecutors, and $50,000 to HSC for funding; 4) a proposal that is linked to number 3 if number 3 passes, then there is a proposal to reduce Mental Health service psychiatric hospitalization in the County general fund by $247,401, that would free up general fund for $200,000 to the DA’s office for the two prosecutors to be restored and $47,401 to the HSC.

MOTION: to approve Option 1, amending the approved budget to move $70,000 into the general fund from fine revenue from LRAPA, decreasing the O & C fund by $30,000, creating $100,000 net revenue that would be dedicated  to Sponsors through the CCA funds.

Bozievich MOVED, Leiken SECONDED.

VOTE:  5-0.

Moody explained that Option 2 is to remove $30,000 from the HSC for emergency warming centers and replace it with the remaining $17,000 from the O & C reserve.

Bozievich wanted to make up $13,000 out of the five commissioner office stipends. 

MOTION: to move approval of Option 2 to the approved budget with the addition of $13,000 to come from the commissioners’ office stipend funding, spread equally among the five commissioners: $2,600.

Bozievich MOVED, Leiken SECONDED.

Leiken indicated that during the budget proceedings he was committed to doing this.

VOTE:  5-0.

MOTION:  to approve Option 3 to the approved budget.

Bozievich MOVED, Leiken SECONDED.

VOTE: 5-0.

MOTION:  to approve Option 4 with taking the additional $600 per commissioner from their office stipend funds to make up the $3,000 to get to a total of $50,000 transferred to HSC.

Bozievich MOVED, Leiken SECONDED.

VOTE: 5-0.

Leiken commented that the whole issue of public safety is important to Lane County as a whole if they want to be in a position to attract businesses that expand the property tax rate.   He said having a strong public safety system will help this County into the future.  He said what they are doing today is not enough.  He said they are getting by with the limited resources they have.  He asked the citizens,  the department heads and the unions:  How much harvest on federal public lands are they willing to support?  He said it is disappointing they have to pass this budget.  He wished they had more.  He said to get more revenue takes community support and community involvement.

Stewart said the Board of Commissioner is working hard to reauthorize Secure Rural Schools funding.  He said they have passed resolutions in support of ideas that could put people back to work and could provide aid and could be done through the timber available through the current management plans.  He said they are working hard to find ways for opportunities for business to locate in this County.  He said they are not accepting this as the final blow.  He said next year if Lane County has to cut ten million dollars additionally from the budget, they won’t be able to provide any service at any type of acceptable level in Lane County.  He is working together to look at the entire picture of public safety and how can they still meet the obligations they have under the law in a different manner.  He said next year if they don’t have revenue enhancements or different
ways of doing business, they will be faced with detrimental cuts.

Handy asked what Cindy Land was referencing about vacant employee positions.

Moody said the budget office has been involved with Land’s request.  Moody noted at any point in time they can run a report in Human Resources to see which positions are vacant. She noted in the general fund they require departments to lapse back a certain percentage of their expenditures that have been approved by the Board.  She added that many times they do that by holding a position vacant for a month or two and that is how they meet the lapse.  She said there is not a way to capture that money twice.  She believed the positions cannot be  eliminated because they are needed for the service levels the Board is approving.

Richardson recalled the last time they ran numbers it was about 70 vacant positions at that one point in time.  She went through every vacancy and discussions with the departments.  She has given direction that if there are any positions that were vacant for more than one year to find out why they are still vacant.  She  noted all the vacant positions they have now are either being held temporary vacant or they are somewhere in the process for recruiting.

Bozievich said f they are not able to realize those savings they projected, they are looking at serious cuts to their budget.  He said they are passing this budget on a wing and a prayer that they are going to be able to achieve those savings.  He has been encouraged by the cooperative attitude of Lane County employees and the community’s support.  He said this is a budget that assumes over $3 million in savings that will be realized. He added that they don’t know how much of the $3 million they will be able to achieve.  He indicated that the longer it takes them to realize those savings, the more impact it could have on their budget as the year goes on.  He said they are taking a big risk on this budget.   He said they need to work together as a community to figure out how they are going to have a public safety service in the future.  He said their system is not adequate now and they just cut it further.  He indicated that they are going to have to look at how to provide public safety services this year and into the future.

MOTION: to approve ORDER 11-6-22-1 making appropriations and levying taxes and applying the four amendments that were added.

Leiken MOVED, Bozievich SECONDED.

Leiken thanked staff for their hard work. He thanked Richardson for accepting less than her male counterparts in local government.  He thought it sets a good example.  He also noted Nancy Golden, Springfield School Superintendent who also accepted less compensation for her position.

Handy said children are their most precious resource.  He said it is easier and less expensive to build children than to mend adults and they must have a treatment and prevention system.  He said for adults, they can’t punish their way to success, they must align their values with their budgets.

Sorenson thanked the five volunteer Budget Committee members.  He thanked the people who testified and he thanked the budget staff.  He said reasonable  people can disagree and disagree publicly with decisions that government makes.  He didn’t know how they could talk about the budget without money coming in.  He said when the Board made the decision that items of revenue that could come into the budget would be off the table early in the process, it meant it was a process of cutting and not addressing a broader view of community need.  He thought the cuts disproportionately fell in areas of health, human services, social services and the most vulnerable.  He said it was not a good choice for the community.  He was not willing to make that choice.  He thought they should look for  options for revenue.  He said there is an assumption there will be savings in the fiscal year commencing July 1.  He said a problem for him is the contracting out of services being proposed in the budget.  He didn’t think it was true.  With regard to increased federal timber cutting, he noted during President Bush’s administration he wasn’t aware of any significant change in the level of cutting on national forests.  He noted under the current administration they are more supportive of protecting the nation’s air, water and land.  He stated if the Board of Commissioners believes that under this administration they will see increased cutting in the national forests and bring in revenue, they are misguided.  He doesn’t think they did the best they could.  He didn’t think they would get additional money from cutting trees in the forest.  He thinks the Board should have looked at local revenue.  Sorenson stated that Stewart wanted to move forward with a revenue picture package for the rest of the year.  He said that is not the view of the majority of the commissioners.  He said they are digging a hole deeper every year and they are not solving a problem.  He said some people believe they have done everything they could in this budget to make it as best as possible but he is not one of them.  He will be a no vote.

Stewart stated that they looked for two years for revenue options.  He said Sorenson’s memory is not correct.  He indicated that they looked at revenue up until last November, discussing revenue options.  He added the option placed before the Board of increasing tipping fees, in turn means increasing the garbage service fees and the majority of the Board felt that with people losing their homes and out of work that increasing fees and taxes was not going to solve their problem at this time.  He said it would create a larger problem.  He didn’t believe that any statement he made earlier today stated he was looking at revenue enhancements this year.  He is looking at how they can reorganize the public safety system to be able to continue the same service but in a different look.  He indicated those questions need to happen or they will be cutting services in the future.  With regard to the two resolutions that moved forward,  Stewart said they have operating management plans on the books for federal forests today accepted by the current administration.  He noted that it calls for harvest levels up to a 1.2 billion board feet.  He added that their management under the federal government has only been able to accomplish on an average about 300 million board feet of harvest per year.  He said if they could find a way to use the current plans that are on the books by the federal government, they could generate an additional one billion of board feet of timber in the Pacific Northwest and create 30,000 jobs.  He said those jobs are what is going to help move them forward and save them.  He added when people have jobs they can pay their bills and they feel better about themselves and it reduces the reliance of them on Lane County providing services to those people.  He represents rural Lane County and most of the communities like Blue River and Dorena.  He indicated that 30 years ago the cities were prosperous and were able to support families with an above median income.  He added that today, those cities are in poverty.  He is trying to find ways of getting people back to work.  He indicated that they have gone to the public 12 times and failed each time in revenue enhancements.  He stated that it is obvious the citizens can’t pay any more or don’t choose to pay any more.  He said they need to find ways to fund government.  He is taking guidance from the citizens he represents.

VOTE:  3-2 (Handy, Sorenson dissenting).




Bozievich wished his wife Elisabeth a Happy Birthday.




A. Approval of Minutes

April 27, 2011, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m. (PULLED)
April 27, 2011, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.
June 8, 2011, Regular Meeting, 9:00 a.m.
June 8, 2011, Regular Meeting, 1:30 p.m.

B. County Administration

1) ORDER 11-6-22-2/In the Matter of Approving Contract Totaling $24,815 for 2010-11 Rural Tourism Marketing Program (RTMP) Projects in the McKenzie River, Ratifying the McKenzie River $4,095 Advertising Expense Already Paid, and Authorizing County Administrator to Sign Contracts Authorizing Distribution of Funds.

C. Health and Human Services

1) ORDER 11-6-22-3/In the Matter of Appointing the County Administrator or her Authorized Designee as County Financial Assistance Administrator for the 2011-2013 Intergovernmental Agreement with the Oregon Department of Human Services.

D. Public Works

1) ORDER 11-6-22-4/In the Matter of Releasing, Dedicating and Accepting Parcel “A” of the Plat of Hill Top Acres, First Addition, as Right of Way for Green Acres Loop (Co. Rd. 1837) (21-03-16)

2) ORDER 11-6-22-5/In the Matter of Approving and Authorizing County Administrator Execution of a Modified Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Cottage Grove for Planning Coordination. (Applicant: City of Cottage Grove)

3) ORDER 11-6-22-6/In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Pape’ Machinery, Inc. in the amount of $209,900, for the Purchase of one (1) used Asphalt Paver without Trade-in, Contract FY 11/12 FS-05.

MOTION: to approve the balance of the Consent Calendar.

Leiken MOVED, Bozievich SECONDED.

VOTE:  5-0.


a. FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. 2-11/In the Matter of Amending Chapter 18 of Lane Code to Update Provisions Related to Subcontractor Selection of Non-Emergency Transfers And To Further Update the Ambulance Service Area (ASA) Plan. (Second Reading and Public Hearing July 13, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. in Harris Hall)

Vorhes asked the Board to include a slight change they noticed.  He said in reviewing the proposed ordinance there is a reference in Lane Code 18.050(6)(b)ii to a section that doesn’t make any sense.  He indicated that they need to replace that reference in Lane Code 18.040 (1)(b). 

MOTION: to approve a First Reading and Setting a Second Reading and Public Hearing for Ordinance 2011 for July 13, 2011 at 1:30 p.m., including the recommendation of counsel to correct the code provisions.

Leiken MOVED, Bozievich SECONDED.

VOTE: 5-0.

b. FIRST READING AND SETTING SECOND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING/Ordinance No. 1-11/In the Matter of Amending Chapter 6 of Lane Code to Modify and Add Provisions of the Social Host Ordinance (LC 6.900) (Second Reading and Public Hearing July 13, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. in Harris Hall)

MOTION:  to approve a First Reading and Setting a Second Reading and Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 1-11 for July 13, 2011 at 1:30 p.m.

Leiken MOVED, Bozievich SECONDED

VOTE:  5-0.


a. Announcements


b. ORDER 11-6-22-7/In the Matter of Approving the 2011-2013 Lane County Community Corrections Plan and 2011-2013 Lane County Juvenile Crime Prevention Plan Update.

Tim Laue, Public Safety Coordinating Council, reported the the Adult Safety Committee met last week and moved forward a Community Corrections Plan.   He noted  a split vote 8-7 moved forward the SAT proposed plan to the Public Safety Coordinating Council on Monday.  He said the PSCC on a vote of 12-5 moved forward the same proposed budget of the Community Corrections Plan and that motion was adopted and comes to the Board for consideration.  He said they considered a unanimous motion that should Community Corrections funds become available in the next bienneum, they put together an add back list for transition and reentery services to get the first $332,000 over two years and the next $284,000 to go for outpatient alcohol and drug treatment as part of the Community Corrections Plan.  He said the last motion was adopted unaniomously for the Board of Commissioner to do everything in their power to find an additional $100,000 for reentry and transitional services and that was done in the budget.  He noted the final action the PSCC took was to recommend the 2011/2013 Juvenile Crime Prevention Plan update to the Board of Commissioners for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan for Lane County children and families.  He noted the plan has already been to the Board of Commissioners and is in the packet.

MOTION:  to approve ORDER 11-6-22-7.

Leiken MOVED, Bozievich SCONDED.

VOTE:  4-1 (Sorenson dissenting).

c. REPORT/Lane Livability Consortium SMART Communities Project. (PULLED)

d. REPORT/Legislative Committee. (PULLED)


a. Announcements


10. EXECUTIVE SESSION as per ORS 192.660

Per ORS 192.660 (2)(b) for the purpose of considering employment of a staff member.



There being no further business, Commissioner Stewart recessed the meeting at 11:55 a.m.

Melissa Zimmer
Recording Secretary

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