Public Involvement

Transportation Planning provides public participation opportunities throughout the year (see Current Projects and Plans under Development). The public is also welcome to address the Transportation Advisory Committee. Our public involvement approach strives to meet people where they are, identify what is important to them, and make the most of participation opportunities.


Goals for public involvement include:

  • Increased transparency
  • Earning and maintaining public trust
  • Ensuring compliance with law
  • Establishing expectations for Lane County employees
  • Ensuring everyone has the opportunity to participate
  • Considering the needs of everyone who uses and lives near transportation projects


Lane County’s public involvement commitment is institutionalized through policies and procedures, such as Lane Manual, which requires projects other than maintenance and bridges to have design concepts approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Development of the design concepts involves an analysis of alternatives and environmental impacts that are vetted with stakeholders, abutting property owners, and endorsed by the Transportation Advisory Committee (TrAC).  Most of Lane County’s transportation projects are maintenance (pavement preservation) and bridges; even though public involvement is not required, public information and opportunities for public input are provided.


Public outreach strategies are tailored to the scope of the project, depending on: the anticipated level of conflict, concern, or controversy; and the level of difficulty in solving problems and advancing the project. Lane County has three types of public outreach campaigns that employ strategies to best meet the intended purpose.

  • Inform Campaign: All projects have Inform Campaigns to let the public know about the work happening. Outreach strategies include: direct mailing (letters or postcards) to adjacent properties, webpages, press releases, school and neighborhood newsletters, door-to-door with flyers, and posting projects on ODOT’s TripCheck.
  • Solicit Input Campaign: Public input is welcome on all plans, programs, and projects. When Inform Campaigns generate a lot of public questions and comments, the outreach strategies for a project may evolve to a Solicit Input Campaign in which Lane County provides more options for exchanging information with the public. Outreach strategies include: hosting public meetings, attending regularly-scheduled neighborhood meeting and/or school meetings; and/or mailing or posting on-line surveys.  
  • Involve Campaign: Planning projects, such as the Bicycle Master Plan, and projects requiring Board-approved Design Concepts, such as the Row River Corridor Plan Design Concept, follow the Involve Campaign in which the public is actively involved throughout the process to influence the outcome and arrive at a community-preferred alternative. Outreach strategies include public workshops, design charrettes, and the creation of specific citizen advisory committee.


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