All Board Orders and Ordinances below have been PASSED by the Board of Commissioners unless otherwise indicated by (PULLED) or (FAILED).

2019 Full Year

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

RESOLUTION & ORDER 19-12-17-01/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 19-20 Supplemental Budget #2, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-17-02/ In the Matter of Extending the Grant to Travel Lane County for Visitor Marketing Services through June 30, 2022.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-17-03/ In the Matter of Accepting the Lane County, Oregon Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2019 and Ordering it be Filed with the Secretary of State.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-17-04/ In the Matter of Approving the Revised 2018-2021 Lane County Strategic Plan.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-17-05/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-17-06/ In the Matter of Appointing Three Members to the Mental Health Advisory / Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-17-07/ In The Matter of Delegating Authority to Establish New Speed Zones for Low-Volume Lane County Roads.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-17-09/ In the Matter of Recommending a Lane County Board of Commissioner to the Board of Directors of the Association of Oregon Counties for the Position Reserved for Member Counties with Populations of 250,000 or More. NO MOTION OR VOTE WAS TAKEN ON THIS ITEM.


ORDER 19-12-17-10/ In the Matter of Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for $3,900,000 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Documents Necessary to Complete the Purchase.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-17-11/ In the Matter of Adopting a Public Works Road Maintenance Policy for Ice and Snow Removal and Clean-up of Roads.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-17-12/ In the Matter of Adopting the 2019 Update to Lane County’s Emergency Operations Plan.  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1360/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Redesignate Land From “Forest (F) Land” to “Non-resource (NRES) Land” and Rezone that Land From “Impacted Forest (F-2, RCP) Land Zone” to “Rural Residential (RR-5/NRES, RCP) Lands Zone” for a 131.55 Acre Property, Along with a Site Review (SR) Suffix, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses and Amending Ordinance No. PA 1360 (Original File No. 509-PA15-05722 and Remand File No. 509-PA19-05724; Applicant Gimpl Hill Properties, LLC.) (PM 12/3/2019). ROLLED TO 2/4/2020

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ORDER 19-12-10-01/ In the Matter of Approving an Amendment to the Agreement with the City of Eugene for TAC Homeless/Housing System Implementation and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Amended Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-10-02/ In the Matter of Making a Sole Source Determination of ShelterCare Inc. for the HUD Continuum of Care Shankle Safe Haven and Camas Permanent Supportive Housing Projects. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-10-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Revise Certain Health & Human Services Fees (LM 60.840) Effective January 1, 2020.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-10-04/ In the Matter of Approving Four Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments.  Contracts include: Tiger Corporation, Expense in the Amount of $401,699.20; Pape Kenworth, Expense in the Amount of $560,474.00; Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Revenue in the Amount of $300,000.00; and Lane Council of Governments (LCOG), Expense in the Amount of $300,000.00. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-10-05/ In the Matter of Appointing Two Members to the Lane County Animal Services Advisory Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-10-06/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Take Necessary Actions and Develop Plans Pursuant to the Construction of a Building on the MLK Campus to Relocate H&HS Developmental Disabilities Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-10-07/ In the Matter of Approving Revisions to the 2019-2021 Lane County Justice Reinvestment Grant Program (JRGP) Budget and Delegating Authority to the Public Safety Coordinating Council Staff to Submit the Grant Application Amendment and to the County Administrator to Execute any Additional Grant Documents, Intergovernmental Agreements, and Contracts. (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-12-03-01
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $700 to Shawn L. Dickson, Map No. 17-03-25-44-00502. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-03-02/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $93,000 to Scott D. Peterson, Map No. 21-35-17-21-00624, 76587 Greenridge Dr., Oakridge. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-03-03/ In the Matter of Accepting Bids Tendered at a Sheriff’s Sale on October 31, 2019 for Surplus County Owned Real Property and Authorizing the Board Chair to Execute the Quitclaim Deeds.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-03-04/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 60 of Lane Manual to Revise Special Transportation Variance Permit Fees (LM 60.877), Effective January 1, 2020. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-03-05/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign an Amendment to Extend the Relias eLearing Contract for Three Years. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-03-06/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign an Amendment to the Trinity Food Services Contract to Extend for One Year. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-03-07/ In the Matter of Approving Three Contracts Including an Administrative Services Agreement for Coordinated Care Organization Services with Pacific Source, and Eight Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved  Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-12-03-08/ In the Matter of Waiving the Restrictions of ORS 430.590 (1-3) To Use the Building Located at 432 West 11th  Avenue, Eugene or for Use as Medication Assisted Treatment Program (MAT) Clinic as Authorized by ORS 430.590 (4). (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1360/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Redesignate Land From “Forest (F) Land” to “Non-resource (NRES) Land” and Rezone that Land From “Impacted Forest (F-2, RCP) Land Zone” to “Rural Residential (RR-5/NRES, RCP) Lands Zone” for a 131.55 Acre Property, Along with a Site Review (SR) Suffix, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses and Amending Ordinance No. PA 1360 (Original File No. 509-PA15-05722 and Remand File No. 509-PA19-05724; Applicant Gimpl Hill Properties, LLC.) (ROLLED TO 12/17/2019)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1376/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) To Add a New Quarry Site (Rattlesnake Quarry off of Wards Butte Road) To the Lane County Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; To Authorize Mining and Processing Pursuant to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-023-0180; To Redesignate Land from Forest (F) To Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M) And Rezone Land from Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) To Quarry and Mine Operations (QM), and to Require Site Review Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(a) Through (J); And Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File No. 509-PA18-05008; Applicant: Oregon Department of Transportation). (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-11-12-01
/ In the Matter of Approving Allocations Totaling $35,438 for 2020 Rural Tourism Marketing Program (RTMP) Projects in the McKenzie River and Authorizing Distribution of Funds. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-12-02/ In the Matter of Appointing Makayla Elliot to the Poverty and Homelessness Board. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-12-03/ In the Matter of Approving Three Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-12-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $20,270 to David J. Behrman, Former Owner of Record, Map No. 19-01-16-00-00702, 39042 Rogers Ln., Dexter. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-12-05/ In the Matter of Awarding $80,000 to the Oregon Regional Accelerator & Innovation Network (RAIN) to be Distributed over Two Years. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-12-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing Purchase of Real Property for $3,150,000 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Documents Necessary to Complete the Purchase. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-12-07/ In the Matter of Adopting Recommendations of the Lane County Legislative Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-12-08/ In the Matter of Designating a Voting Delegate for the Board of Directors Election, Position #5, at the Council of Forest Trust Land Counties. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-12-09/ In the Matter of the Surrender of a Portion of 19th Street (County Road Numbers 667 and 1141) and a Portion of Yolanda Avenue (County Road Number 840) to the City of Springfield with a Public Hearing. (17-03-24 & 25) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1376/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a New Quarry Site to the Lane County Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; to Authorize Mining and Processing Pursuant to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-023-0180; to Redesignate Land from Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M) and Rezone Land from Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM), and to Require Site Review Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(a) through (j); and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File 509-PA18-05008). (PM 10/29/19) (ROLLED TO 12/3/19)

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ORDER 19-11-05-01
/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator, Director and Assistant Director, Health & Human Services, to Act as Authorized Representatives to Execute Billing and Reporting Documents Related to Mental and Physical Health Services for Issuance to Medicare and Medicaid. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-05-02/ In the Matter of Accepting Juvenile Crime Prevention Money through an Intergovernmental Revenue Agreement with Oregon Youth Authority, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-05-03/ In the Matter of Approving the Appointment of Jason Gale and Debra Moulton to the Lane County Fair Board for Four-Year Terms Ending December 31st, 2023. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-05-04/ In the Matter of Posting Weight Limits for Specialized Hauling Vehicles on Big Creek Road Bridge, State Bridge No. 22634. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-05-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $1,300 to Vannett Properties, LLC, Map No. 17-04-17-14-00200-059. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-11-05-06/ In the Matter of Re-Appointing Charlcie Kaylor to the Lane County Planning Commission. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1359/ In the Matter of Amending the Metro Plan to Adopt Amendments to the Springfield Transportation System Plan for Application to the Urbanizable Lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses;


ORDINANCE NO. 19-05 / In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Adopt Amendments to the Springfield Development Regulations for Application to Urbanizable Lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (LC 10.600-15) and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (Applicant: City of Springfield) (PM & NBA 10/15/2019) (ROLLED TO AN UNDERTIMED FUTURE DATE)

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ORDER 19-10-29-01
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Revise Certain Health & Human Services Fees. (LM 60.840), Effective January 1, 2020. (THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA - NO VOTE TAKEN)


ORDER 19-10-29-02/ In the Matter of Appointing Members to the Public Health Advisory Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-10-29-03/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute an Amended Lease/Purchase Option Agreement with Wright Lumber. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 19-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Corrections Required by the Land Use Board of Appeals Remand of Ordinance 18-02 (LUBA No. 2018-093) And Implement HB 2106; Amending Lane Code 14.080 Appeal Procedures and Lane Code 14.100 LUBA Remand Procedures; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update Lane Code Chapter 14 References; Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Other Clarifications and Corrections; And Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA19-05317) (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1376/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Add a New Quarry Site (Rattlesnake Quarry off of Wards Butte Road) to the Lane County Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites; To Authorize Mining and Processing Pursuant to Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-023-0180; To Redesignate Land from Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M) And Rezone Land from Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM), and to Require Site Review Pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(a) Through (J); And Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File No. 509-PA18-05008; Applicant: Oregon Department of Transportation). (ROLLED TO 11/12/19)

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ORDER 19-10-15-01/
In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute a Fee Owner Recognition Agreement with Nike Retail Services, Inc. for County Owned Real Property Along 6th Avenue in Downtown Eugene. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-10-15-02
/ In the Matter of Setting the Approximate Percentage of Distribution between the Lane County Sheriff’s Office and Youth Services for the Five Year Public Safety Local Option Levy for FY 2019-2020.  (PASSED)

ORDER 19-10-15-03
/ In the Matter of Adding Two Regular Full Time (2.0 FTE) Community Service Worker2 Positions in Fund 287 Within the Department of Health & Human Services.  (PASSED)

ORDER 19-10-15-04
/ In the Matter of Modifying Lane Manual to Include the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Local 2831-5 Physicians Unit.  (PASSED)

ORDER 19-10-15-05
/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments.  (PASSED)

ORDER 19-10-15-06
/ Authorizing the Chair to Sign Two Letters of Support for the City of Springfield’s Grant Applications.  (PASSED)

ORDER 19-10-15-07
/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with Homes for Good to Support Ongoing Operations Funding for The Commons on MLK Housing First Project. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-10-15-08
/ In the Matter of Approving Three Contracts and One Amendment, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved  Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-10-15-09
/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement Between Lane County and Lane County Association, Local 626. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-10-15-10
/ In the Matter of Setting a Public Hearing for the Proposed Surrender of a Portion of 19th Street (County Road Numbers 667 and 1141) and a Portion of Yolanda Avenue (County Road Number 840) to the City of Springfield (17-03-24 & 25). (PASSED)

/ In the Matter of Amending the Metro Plan to Adopt Amendments to the Springfield Transportation System Plan for Application to the Urbanizable Lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses;
ORDINANCE No. 19-05/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 10 to Adopt Amendments to the Springfield Development Regulations for Application to Urbanizable Lands within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (LC 10.600-15) and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (ROLLED TO 11/4/2019)

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ORDER 19-10-08-01
/ In the Matter of Authorizing Payment of $3,429.07 to the Oregon Department of Revenue Senior Tax Deferral Program. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-10-08-02/ In the Matter of Approving Allocation Totaling $279,987 for 2020 Rural Tourism Marketing Program (RTMP) Projects in the Cities of Creswell, Cottage Grove, Coburg, Junction City, Veneta, Dunes City, Florence, Lowell, Oakridge, and Westfir.  (PASSED)


ORDER AND RESOLUTION 19-10-08-03/ In the Matter of Advocating for a Statewide Addiction Recovery Continuum of Care. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-10-08-04/ In the Matter of Appointing Two Members to the Mental Health Advisory/Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-10-08-05/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-10-01-01
/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute up to a 99-year lease agreement with the Housing Authority and Community Services Agency of Lane County (dba Homes for Good) for County Owned Property Identified as Map No. 17-03-31-11-01400, 540 Oak St., Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-10-01-02/ In the Matter of Authorizing a Sheriff’s Sale of Surplus County Owned Real Property on October 31, 2019, and Delegating Authority to the Property Management Officer to Remove any Particular Property From the Sale if Determined to be in the County’s Best Interest. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-10-01-03/ In the Matter of Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Eugene for Implementation of the Homeless and Supportive Housing System Report Recommendations. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-10-01-04/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign an Amendment to Extend the Wellpath Contract for an Additional Two Years.  (PASSED)

ORDINANCE NO. 19-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Corrections Required by the Land Use Board Of Appeals Remand of Ordinance 18-02 (LUBA No. 2018-093) and Implement HB 2106; Amending Lane Code 14.080 Appeal Procedures and Lane Code 14.100 LUBA Remand Procedures; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update Lane Code Chapter 14 References; Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Other Clarifications and Corrections; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA19-05317). (ROLLED TO 10/29/19)

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ORDER / RESOLUTION 19-09-24-01
/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 19-20 Supplemental Budget #1, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-24-02/ In the Matter of Appointing Two Pools of Board Members Who May Be Selected by the County Clerk to Sit on the Board of Property Tax Appeals. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-24-03/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-24-04/ In the Matter of Appointing Two New Members and Re-appointing Two Members to the Poverty and Homelessness Board.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-24-05/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Grants, Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-24-06/ In the Matter of the Establishment of the Health Reimbursement Arrangement/Voluntary Employees’ Beneficiary Association (HRA VEBA) and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-24-07/ In the Matter of Allocating up to $25,000 from Special Revenue Fund 260 in the Department of Public Works as Established by the Harriet Ruby Smith Trust for the Construction of Two Outdoor Exercise Yards at Greenhill Humane Society.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-24-08/ In the Matter of Appointing Three Members to the Lane County Animal Services Advisory Committee.  (PASSED)

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/ In the Matter of Declaring a Homelessness Emergency.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-10-02/ In the Matter of Approving the 2019-2021 Lane County Community Corrections Plan, Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Intergovernmental Agreement and Contracts, and Delegating Authority to the Staff of the Public Safety Coordinating Council to Submit the Community Corrections Plan and Signed IGA to Oregon Department of Corrections. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-10-03/ In the Matter of Making Sole Source Determinations for Willamette Family, Inc. to Provide Detoxification Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-10-04/ In the Matter of the Establishment of Collard Lake Road as County Road No. 2216, Located in Section 36, Township 17 South, Range 12 West and Section 1, Township 18 South, Range 12 West, Willamette Meridian. (17-12-36 & 18-12-01). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-10-05/ In the Matter of Accepting a Public Road Easement to be Used for County Road Purposes for Suttle Road. (County Road Number 2232)  (17-06-25). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-10-06/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Submit Grant Applications to Fund Renovation and Related Start-up Funds for a New Community Health Centers of Lane County (CHCLC) Clinic in Cottage Grove. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-10-07/ In the Matter of Approving the Design Concept for Sears Road Fixed Object Removal Project. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-09-10-08/ In the Matter of Waiving Attorney Client-Privilege in the Matter of ORS 294.100.  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 19-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Corrections Required by the Land Use Board Of Appeals Remand of Ordinance 18-02 (LUBA No. 2018-093) and Implement HB 2106; Amending Lane Code 14.080 Appeal Procedures and Lane Code 14.100 LUBA Remand Procedures; Amending Lane Code Chapters 10 and 16 to Update Lane Code Chapter 14 References; Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Other Clarifications and Corrections; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA19-05317). (ROLLED TO 10/1/2019)

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ORDER 19-08-27-01
/ In the Matter of Adding One Regular Full Time (1.0 FTE) Professional/Technical Supervisor Position in Fund 287 Within the Department of Health & Human Services.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-27-02/ In the Matter of Accepting the 19-21 Oregon Criminal Justice Commission Grant for Lane County Adult Treatment Court and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign Grant Documents and Related Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-27-03/ In the Matter of Accepting the 19-21 Oregon Criminal Justice Commission Grant for Lane County Mental Health Court and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign Grant Documents and Related Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-27-04/ In the Matter of Accepting the 19-21 Oregon Criminal Justice Commission Grant for Lane County Veterans Treatment Court and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign Grant Documents and Related Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-27-05/ In the Matter of Approving an Amendment Extending the Contract for Law Enforcement Activities on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lands, Increasing Funding and Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign the Amended Contract.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-27-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Ponderosa Management Unit Savanna and Woodland Restoration Project at the Howard Buford Recreation Area (HBRA), Authorizing Revenue Generated by the Project to Offset Project Costs and be Reinvested into HBRA, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Contracts Associated with the Project.  (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-08-20-01/ In the Matter of Approving the Appointment of One Citizen Member for a Specified Term to the Performance Audit Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-20-02/ In the Matter of Approving the Appointment of One Ex Officio Countywide-Elected Official to the Performance Audit Committee.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-20-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 20 to Add Provisions Pertaining to Outside Litigation Services and to Update Delegated Authority Pertaining to Public Improvement Projects on the Public Works Five-Year Capital Improvement Program. (LM 20.255, LM 20.660). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-20-04/ In the Matter of Adding One Temporary Family Mediator Position in Fund (289) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-20-05/ In the Matter of Adding Seven Full-Time (7.0 FTE) Developmental Disability Specialist Positions in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-20-06/ In the Matter of Appointing Two New Consumer Members to the Community Health Council. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-20-07/ In the Matter of Extending and Amending the Contract for Advisory Services to the Deferred Compensation Plans for Lane County Employees, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-20-08/ In the Matter of Amending and Extending the Site Lease for a Cellular Communications Tower at the Public Works Department Delta Campus and Authorizing the County Administrator to Execute the Amendment. (PASSED)


 ORDER 19-08-20-09/ In the Matter of the Vacation of a Portion of Colter Street and Platted Alleys Located in Block 12 of the Plat of Glenada, and a Portion of Colter Street Located in Block 4 of Plat of Fisk’s Addition to the Town of Glenada, in Lane County, Oregon (18-12-35-00). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-08-20-10/ In the Matter of Releasing, Dedicating, and Accepting Parcel “A” of the Plat of First Addition to Montebello Acres and Other Parcel Strips Conveyed to Lane County, as Right of Way for Yolanda Avenue, a Public Road (17-02-19-34). (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-08-20-11/ In the Matter of the Establishment of Territorial Highway (OR 200) as County Road No. 2282, Located Between the Lane and Benton County Line and the Lane and Douglas County Line. (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-08-20-12/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Sign an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Oregon State Marine Board and Lane County to Accept the Boating Facility Grant Agreement No. 1645 for Improvements to the Hendricks Bridge Boat Ramp and Parking Lot. (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-08-20-13/ In the Matter of Authorizing Bank Stabilization Design and Permit Writing Services Be Provided to Property Owners on Green Creek Road for Safety Improvements to Green Creek Road Bridge. (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-08-20-14/ In the Matter Approving Acceptance of the 2018 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) Program Grant and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Grant Award Documents. (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-08-20-15/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-08-20-16/ In the Matter of Approving the 2019-2021 Measure 57 Intervention Program Budget Summary and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Department of Corrections and Subcontracts for Services. (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-08-20-17/ In the Matter of Approving the 2019-2021 Lane County Grant-in-Aid Budget. (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-08-20-18/ In the Matter of Approving the 2019-2021 Lane County Justice Reinvestment Grant Program (JRGP) Budget and Application, Providing a Signed Letter of Support from the Board for the JRGP Supplemental Portion of the Application, and Delegating Authority to the Public Safety Coordinating Council Staff to Sign and Submit the Online Grant Application and to the County Administrator to Execute and Additional Grant Documents, Intergovernmental Agreements, and Contracts. (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-08-20-19/ In the Matter of Approving the Territorial Highway (Gillespie Corners – Town of Lorane) Corridor Plan and Design Concept; and Authorizing Staff to Prepare Orders of Necessity for Right of Way for Each Phase. (PASSED) 


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1378/ In the Matter of Co-Adopting Amendments to the Creswell Comprehensive Land Use Plan Section III Related to Goal 1: Citizen Involvement and Goal 2: Land Use Planning. (File No. 509-PA19-05309). (PM & NBA 07/30/2019). (PASSED) 


Ordinance No. PA 1379/ In the Matter of Co-Adopting the Creswell Transportation System Plan (TSP) for Application Within the Urbanizable Area Outside the City Limits, but Within the Urban Growth Boundary; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clause; and Co-Adopting Transportation Policies to Implement the Updated TSP Goals as Text Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. (Applicant: City of Creswell). (PM & NBA 07/30/2019).   (PASSED) 

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ORDER 19-07-30-01/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign a Contract for Purchase of an Apex Sorter, Server, Software and Related Items for Elections. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-30-02/ In the Matter of Adding 0.50 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for a Temp Office Support Assistant Position in General Fund (124) Within the Department of County Administration. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-30-03/ In the Matter of Providing the 2nd Quarter 2019 Report of Property Tax Refunds Issued in Amounts Over $50,000 for Appeals or Roll Corrections. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-30-04/ In The Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Accounting Clerk 2 Position, in Fund (288) Within the Department of Health & Human Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-30-05/ In The Matter of Amending the Classification of Office Support Assistant (N7014). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-30-06/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-30-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing the County Administrator to Enter Into a New 50-Year Lease Agreement with Mount Pisgah Arboretum Regarding a Long-Term Lease for the Development, Operation, Maintenance, and Security of the Existing Leased Area Within Howard Buford Recreation Area. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-30-08/ In the Matter of Accepting a Report Back on the Use of the Armory Building and Giving Direction to Staff Regarding Options Related to the Use of the Armory and the Relocation of the Lane County Health & Human Services Developmental Disabilities Services Division. This was incorrectly given an Order number.


ORDER 19-07-30-09/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1378/ In the Matter of Co-Adopting Amendments to the Creswell Comprehensive Land Use Plan Section III Related to Goal 1: Citizen Involvement and Goal 2: Land Use Planning. (File No. 509-PA19-05309). (ROLLED TO 8/20/19)

ORDINANCE NO. PA 1379/ In the Matter of Co-Adopting the Creswell Transportation System Plan for Application Within the Urbanizable Area Outside the City Limits, but Within the Urban Growth Boundary; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses.In the Matter of Co-Adopting the Creswell Transportation System Plan (TSP) for Application Within the Urbanizable Area Outside the City Limits, but Within the Urban Growth Boundary; and Adopting Savings and Severability Clause; and Co-Adopting Transportation Policies to Implement the Updated TSP Goals as Text Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. (Applicant: City of Creswell). (ROLLED TO 8/20/19)

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ORDER 19-07-23-01
/ In the Matter of Appointing Dr. William Foster, MD to the Public Health Advisory Committee (PHAC) as the West Lane, District One, Commissioner Appointee. (LM 3.538). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-23-02/ In the Matter of Making Sole Source Determinations for Willamette Family, Inc. to Provide Substance Use Disorder Adult Residential Services.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-23-03/ In the Matter of Approving Application for Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs Funding in the Amount of $1,260,000 for the Time Period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-23-04/ In the Matter of Amending the Governance Charter of the Poverty and Homelessness Board.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-23-05/ In the Matter of Making Sole Source Determinations for Mental Health Service Contracts.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-23-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $2,000 to Donavon L. and Jean E. Phillips, Map No. 15-04-17-00-3101.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-23-07/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments.   (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-23-08/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign an IGA with LCOG for Telecommunications System Management and Service.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-23-09/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement between Lane County and the Lane County Peace Officers’ Association.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-23-10/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement between Lane County and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees - Physicians Unit.  (PASSED)

ORDER 19-07-23-11/ In the Matter of Waiving Attorney-privilege in the Matter of ORS 294.100.  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 19-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Corrections Required by the Land Use Board of Appeals Remand of Ordinance 18-02 (LUBA No. 2018-093) and Implement HB 2106; Amending Lane Code 14.080 Appeal Procedures and Lane Code 14.100 LUBA Remand Procedures; Amending Lane Code Chapter 16 to Update Lane Code Chapter 14 References; Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Other Clarifications and Corrections; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA19-05317). (ROLLED TO 9/10/2019)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1377/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Adopt the 2019 Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP), a Special Purpose Plan of the RCP, as an Amendment to the Adopted SWMP; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause; (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 19-04/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code 16.400(4) to Reference the 2019 Solid Waste Management Plan Adopted with Ordinance No. PA 1377, and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause.  (File No. 509-PA19-05381; Applicant: Lane County Public Works). (PASSED)


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ORDER 19-07-09-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Sandra Fritz, Larry Hedberg, and Ted Hicks as Commissioners of the Le Bleu Special Road District. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-07-09-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-09-03/ In the Matter of Making Sole Source Determinations for Mental Health Services Contracts. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-09-04/ In the Matter of Awarding Contracts for Intoxicated Driver Program Fund Services and Outpatient Alcohol and Other Drug Services. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-09-05/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to ShelterCare for FUSE Housing and Case Management Services. (PASSED


ORDER 19-07-09-06/ In the Matter of Approving Pay Grade Increases for the Developmental Disabilities Specialist and Mental Health Associate Classifications Within the Lane County American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees Local 2831 – General Unit Based on the Article 19 Classification Review for 2018. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-09-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $8,500 to Delbert A. Smith, Former Owner of Record, Map No. 18-05-31-00-00600 84852 Battle Creek Road, Eugene. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-09-08/ In the Matter of Vacating a Public Alley Located in Block 1 of Zumwalt’s Addition to Irving, as Platted and Recorded in Volume W, Page 396, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Without a Public Hearing (17-04-03-33).  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-09-09/ In the Matter of Forming a Lane County Parks Funding Task Force to Implement the Lane County Parks System Master Plan. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-09-10/ In the Matter of Approving an Amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the City of Eugene and University of Oregon Department of Athletics for Law Enforcement Services at Special Events and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Amendment. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-07-09-11/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 19-20 to FY 23-24 Lane County Capital Improvement Plan and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to execute contracts for Road & Bridge Projects with Terms Less than Ten Years. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 19-04/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code 16.400(4) to Reference the 2019 Solid Waste Management Plan Adopted with Ordinance No. PA 1377, and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA19-05381; Applicant: Lane County Public Works). (ROLLED TO 7/23/2019)

/ In the Matter of Amending the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to Adopt the 2019 Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP), a Special Purpose Plan of the RCP, as an Amendment to the Adopted SWMP; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (ROLLED TO 7/23/2019)

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/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 18-19 Supplemental Budget #4, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER AND RESOLUTION 19-06-18-02/ In the Matter of Adopting the 2019-2020 Lane County Budget, Making Appropriations and Imposing and Categorizing Taxes.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-18-03/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-18-04/ In the Matter of Reappointing Four Consumer Members, One Community Member/Provider and Adding One Consumer Member to the Community Health Council. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-18-05/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-18-06/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments (St. Vincent de Paul). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-18-07/ In the Matter of Making Sole Source Determination for Selection of St. Vincent de Paul of Lane County to Provide Year-Round Dusk-to-Dawn Safe Sleeping and Emergency Winter Warming Services and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Determinations and Contracts with the Sole Source Provider. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-18-08/ In the Matter of Approving Compensation Changes for Lane County American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Local 2831 – General Unit. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-18-09/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Add and Update Fees Necessary to Implement Lane Code Chapter 16 as Adopted by Ordinance 18-08, to Adjust Fees Based on the Consumer Price Index to Codify and Increase Specific Fees and to Implement Other Housekeeping Measures. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-18-10/ In the Matter of Approving the Tentative Agreement Between Lane County and the Administrative-Professionals Association of Lane County, Inc. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-06-18-11/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (St. Vincent de Paul). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-19-01/ In the Matter of Approving Renewal of Purchased Insurance Policies and Delegating Authority to the Risk Manager to Execute Renewal Documents. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-19-02/ In the Matter of Documenting the County Counsel’s Annual Performance Evaluation.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-19-03/ In the Matter of Documenting the County Performance Auditor’s Annual Performance Evaluation.  (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-06-11-01/ In the Matter of Assigning Lane Council of Governments to Serve as Liaison for Lane County to the United States Census Bureau’s 2020 Census New Construction Program. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-11-02/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Renewal of the Agreement with Delta Dental Plan of Oregon with the Updated Preventative Benefit for Plan Year 19-20 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-11-03/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Renewal of the Agreement with Willamette Dental Insurance, Inc. for Plan Year 19-20 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-11-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Administrative Services Agreement, and Stop Loss Insurance at the $300,000 limit with Pacific Source for Plan Year 19-20 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Agreement.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-11-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Real Property for $30,000 to Aaron Stefanek, Map No. 18-02-04-11, Tax Lot 00122, and a Portion of Tax Lot 00123. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-11-06/ In The Matter of Creating a Temporary Speed Reduction on Suttle Road During The Oregon Country Fair Event. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-11-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing Lane County to Submit a Non-Binding Divestment Questionnaire to a Review Committee with the Intention to Explore a Property Transfer from The Nature Conservancy to Lane County.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-06-11-08/ Legislative Committee Update and Order in the Matter of Adopting Recommendations of the Lane County Legislative Committee. (NO VOTE TAKEN)


ORDER 19-06-12-01/ In the Matter of Documenting the County Administrator’s Annual Performance Evaluation. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 19-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code 14.080 Appeals and 14.090 Limitations on Approved and Denied Applications to Make Corrections Required by the Land Use Board Of Appeals Remand of Ordinance 18-02 (LUBA No. 2018-093); Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Minor Clarifications and Corrections; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause (File No. 509-PA19-05317). (ROLLED TO 7/23/2019)

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ORDER 19-05-21-01/ In the Matter of Providing the 1st Quarter 2019 Report of Property Tax Refunds Issued in Amounts Over $50,000 for Appeals of Roll Corrections. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-21-02/ In the Matter of Confirming the Appointment of Clifton Harrold, Sheriff, as an ex-officio voting Member of the Lane County Public Safety Coordinating Council. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-21-03/ In the Matter of Revising Chapter 20 of the Lane Manual to Correct and Update the County’s Public Contracting Rules. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-21-04/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $400 to St. Lucia Rosewood Mobile Home Park, Map No. 17-04-17-14-00200-155. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-21-05/In the Matter of Approving the Agreement Between the Board of Commissioners and the Fair Board.   (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-21-06/ In the Matter of Approving the Appointment of Sidney Voorhees and Richard Cunningham to the Lane County Fair Board for Four-Year Terms Ending December 31, 2022.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-21-07/ In the Matter of Ratifying the Fiscal Year 2109-20 Regional Wastewater Program Budget and Capital Improvements Program as Approved by the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-21-08/ In the Matter of the Legal Status of Collard Lake Road, Roads in the Collard Lake Road System and Emergency Repair of Collard Lake Road. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. 19-03/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code 14.080 Appeals and 14.090 Limitations on Approved and Denied Applications to Make Corrections Required by the Land Use Board of Appeals Remand of Ordinance 18-02 (LUBA No. 2018-093); Amending Lane Code Chapter 14 to Make Minor Clarifications and Corrections; and Adopting a Savings and Severability Clause. (File No. 509-PA19-05317). (ROLLED TO JUNE 11, 2019)

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ORDER 19-05-14-01
/ In the Matter of Commenting on Proposed  Name Changes for a Natural Feature Located in Lane County to the Oregon Geographic Names Board. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-14-02/ In the Matter of Filing a List of FY 18/19 Public Improvement Projects for Lane County Department of Public Works with the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute Related Contracts and Agreements. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-14-03/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to Wildish Building Material Co., dba Wildish Sand & Gravel Co., in the amount of $462,193.90 for Un-Coated Oil Rock, Sanding Rock & Quarry Rock Production, Various Stockpile Sites, Prospective Contract No. 18/19-09 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract.  (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-05-07-01
/ In the Matter of Making a Sole Source Determination for Selection of WellSky Corporation to Provide HMIS ServicePoint Software and Support and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Determination and Contract with the Sole Source Provider.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-07-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments.   (PASSED)


ORDER 19-05-07-03/ In the Matter of Amending Chapter 60 of Lane Manual to Revise Fees and Policies for Lane County Solid Waste Services (LM 60.875), Effective July 1, 2019. (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-04-30-01
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 3 to Add Provisions Pertaining to the Board of Commissioners’ Agenda Team. (LM 3.107) (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-30-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 20 to Update Rules and Policies Pertaining to Public Contracting. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-30-03/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Administrative Assistant Position, One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Community Health Nurse 2 Position, and One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Mental Health Specialist 2 Position in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-30-04/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-30-05/ In the Matter of Adding One Full-Time (1.0 FTE) Mental Health Specialist 2 in Fund (286) Within the Department of Health & Human Services.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-30-06/ In the Matter of Reassigning the Position of a Current Transportation Advisory Committee (TrAC) Member and Confirming the Appointment of a New TrAC Member.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-30-07/ Legislative Committee Update and Order In the Matter of Adopting Recommendations of the Lane County Legislative Committee.  (PASSED) 


ORDER 19-04-30-08/ In the Matter of Annexing Territory to the McKenzie Fire and Rescue District to Provide Fire Protection Service to the Annexed Territory, Consisting of a 19.2 acre Portion of Assessor’s Map 16-25-27, Tax Lot 400 (File No. F-MK-2019-ANX-1).  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-30-09/ In the Matter of Approving Submission of the County Assessment Function Funding Assistance (CAFFA) Grant Application to the Oregon Department of Revenue for FY 2019-20.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-30-10/ In the Matter of Establishing the Assessment & Taxation Specialist Classification and Salary Range.  (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-04-16-01
/ In the Matter of Announcing and Issuing the Annual Excellence in Public Health Awards. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-16-02/ In the Matter of Approving the Appointment of One Citizen Member for a Specified Term to the Performance Audit Committee.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-16-03/ In the Matter of Awarding a Project to ShelterCare for Supportive Services Staffing for The Commons on MLK.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-16-04/ In the Matter of Appointing Two New Members to the Mental Health Advisory / Local Alcohol and Drug Planning Committee.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-16-05/ In the Matter of Board Order Awarding a Revenue Contract to Pacific Recycling in the Amount of $1,500,000 and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-16-06/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $12,500 Scott D. Peterson, Map No. 21-34-17-23-01401, 47524 Union St., Oakridge.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-16-07/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Board Chair to Execute a Quitclaim Deed for an Approved Transfer of County Owned Real Property to the City of Lowell, Map No. 19-01-14-23-05600.  (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-04-02-05
/ In the Matter of Adopting Recommendations of the Lane County Legislative Committee. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-04-09-01/ In the Matter of Commenting on Proposed Name Changes for a Natural Feature Located in Lane County to the Oregon Geographic Names Board. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-09-02/ In the Matter of Awarding a Contract to ColumbiaCare Services, Inc., to Provide Secure Residential Treatment Facility Services to the Aid and Assist (.370) Population and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contract. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-04-09-03/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $30,000 to Isaac A. Judd, Map No. 21-34-16-31, Tax Lots 01400 and 01500, 48073 Singletary Dr., Oakridge. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-04-10-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Clifton G. Harrold as Lane County Sheriff.  (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-04-02-01/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-02-02/ In the Matter of Approving the September 26, 2018 Bylaw Updates for the Performance Audit Committee.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-02-03/ In the Matter of Confirming the Reappointment of Jim Mayo to the Parks Advisory Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-02-04/ In the Matter of Approving the County Performance Auditor’s Audit Plan as Recommended by the Performance Audit Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-04-02-05/ In the Matter of Adopting Recommendations of the Lane County Legislative Committee. (ROLLED TO 4/9/2019) 


ORDER 19-04-02-06/ In the Matter of Approving the 2019-2021 Biennial Mental Health & Addictions Implementation Plan (BIP) to Submit to Oregon Health Authority Addictions and Mental Health Division. (PASSED)

ORDER 19-04-02-07/ In the Matter of Accepting a Donation for Funding a Safety Education Campaign. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 19-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 8 to Bring the Rules Governing Public Property in the Downtown Eugene Area into Alignment. (PASSED)

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ORDER / RESOLUTION 19-03-19-01/ In the Matter of Adopting the FY 18-19 Supplemental Budget #3, Making, Reducing and Transferring Appropriations. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-19-02/ In the Matter of Directing the University of Oregon Law School to Conduct the Requestor Application (RFA) Process for Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission Funded Services in Lane County.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-19-03/ In the Matter of Amending the Job Codes for the Classification of Program manager and Adding Pay Grad D63. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-19-04/ In the Matter Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $500 to Patrick Looney, Map No. 18-11-30-20-08800. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-19-05/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-19-06 In the Matter of Revising the 2017-2019 Community Corrections Grant-In-Aid and Justice Reinvestment Grant Program (JRGP) Budgets and Delegating Authority to the Public Safety Coordinating Council Criminal Justice Planner to Sign and Submit JRGP Revision Forms Online and to Complete and Submit the Community Corrections Biennial Plan Modification Form, and to the County Administrator to Amend Intergovernmental Agreements and Contracts. (PASSED)

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ORDER 19-02-26-05
/ In the Matter of Hearing on the Record an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Affirming the Planning Director’s Decision to Approve a Replacement Dwelling in the Exclusive Farm Use Zone (E-40) on Tax Lot 1400, Assessor’s Map 20-05-13. (File No. 509-PA17-05908; Doughty) (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-01
/ In the Matter of Readopting Lane Manual Provision Related to Investment Policies. (LM 4.020). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-02/ In the Matter of Accepting Oregon Health Authority Grant Funding for Opioid State Targeted Response (OSTR) in an Amount up to $142,857. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-03/ In the Matter of Dedicating Land Owned by Lane County and Accepting It for Public and County Road Purposes for Delta Highway, County Road Number 1354. (17-03-18-00 & 17-03-19-00).  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-04/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts, Grants and Amendments.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-05/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $2,000 to Cameron Bishop Map No. 19-12-02-42 tax lots 00800 and 01200.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-06/ In the Matter of Adopting the Hearings Official Decision Modifying and Affirming on LUBA Remand the County’s Decision to Approve an Accessory Structure in the Impacted Forest Lands Zone (F-2) on Tax Lot 200, Assessor’s map 18-01-30. (File No. 509-PA17-05644).  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-07/ In the Matter of Confirming the Appointment of Two Vacant Positions on the Transportation Advisory Committee (TrAC).  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-08/ In the Matter of Approving a Work Authorization of $319,705 for Installation of Temporary Parking Facilities at the New Courthouse Site and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Work Authorization.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-09/ In the Matter of Adopting Recommendations of the Lane County Legislative Committee.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-10/ In the Matter of Directing the Publication of a Lane County Voters’ Pamphlet for the May 21, 2019 Election and Appointing a Committee to Write an Explanatory Statement That is an Impartial, Simple and Understandable Statement Explaining the Measure to Construct a New County Courthouse and its Effect.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-11/ In the Matter of Approving the Jurisdictional Transfer of Delta Highway (County Road No. 1354) From Lane County to ODOT, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-03-12-12/ In the Matter of Approving the Purchase of Data Transfer Solutions LLC Professional Services and VueWorks Software for Asset and Road Management in an Amount Not to Exceed $560,000, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Contract.  (PASSED)


ORDINANCE 19-02/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 8 to Bring the Rules Governing Public Property in the Downtown Eugene Area into Alignment and Declaring an Emergency. (LC 6.025) (ROLLED TO 4/2/2019)


/ In the Matter of Amending The Rural Comprehensive Plan To Redesignate Land From "Forest Land" To "Marginal Land", To Rezone Land From "Impacted Forest Land (F-2)" To "Marginal Land (ML)”, And Adopting Savings And Severability Clauses. (File 509-PA16-05291; Applicant: Martinez) (PM &NBA 01/15/2019, 1/29/19, 02/12/2019) (PASSED)


/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land from "Rural Residential" to "Rural Commercial,” to Rezone Land from “Rural Residential (RR-5)” to “Rural Commercial (RC),” and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File No. 509-PA17-05144; Applicant: On The Way, Inc.)  (PASSED)


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ORDER 19-01-29-03
/ In the Matter of Referring a General Obligation Bond to the Voters of Lane County to Construct a New County Courthouse to Improve Safety, Accessibility, Efficiency, and Service. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-26-01/ In the Matter of Appointing Kamala Shugar to the Lane County Budget Committee for District 5 (East Lane). (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-26-02/ In the Matter of Accepting the EWEB Limited Income Energy Assistance Intergovernmental Revenue Agreement, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Agreement. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-26-03/ In the Matter of Approving Receipt of a US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Continuum of Care Grant. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-26-04/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 60 to Add and Update Fees to Implement Lane Code Chapter 13 Amendments Effected with Ordinance 18-07 and to Implement FCC Declaratory Ruling 18-133. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-26-05/ In the Matter of Hearing on the Record an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision Affirming the Planning Director’s Decision to Approve a Replacement Dwelling in the Exclusive Farm Use Zone (E-40) on Tax Lot 1400, Assessor’s Map 20-05-13. (File No. 509-PA17-05908; Doughty). (ROLLED TO 3/13/19)


ORDER 19-02-26-06/ In the Matter of Declaring a Local Emergency as a Result of the February 25, 2019 Snow Storm. (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1366/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land from "Rural Residential" to "Rural Commercial,” to Rezone Land from “Rural Residential (RR-5)” to “Rural Commercial (RC),” and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses. (File No. 509-PA17-05144; Applicant: On The Way, Inc.). (ROLLED TO 3/13/19)

TUESDAY, February 12, 2019 – REGULAR MEETING

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ORDER 19-02-12-01
/ In the Matter of Approving the Appointment of Two Citizen Members for Specified Terms to the Performance Audit Committee. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-12-02/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Springfield to Purchase and Be Reimbursed for Motorola Subscriber Radios on Their Behalf in the Amount of $528,993. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-12-03/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Contracts and Amendments, and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Sign the Approved Contracts and Amendments. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-12-04/ In the Matter of Delegating Authority to Issue a Work Authorization under Contract 54404 for Replacement of the Lane County Elections Building West Section Roof. (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-12-05/ In the Matter of Approving the Design Concept for Sears Road Fixed Object Removal. (NO MOTION MADE, DIED FOR LACK OF MOTION)

ORDINANCE 19-01/ In The Matter of Amending Lane Code Chapter 4 to Add Limitations on General Bond Issuances for the Lane County Courthouse Replacement Project (LC 4.800 – 4.820). (PASSED)


ORDINANCE NO. PA 1365/ In the Matter of Amending the Rural Comprehensive Plan to Redesignate Land from "Forest Land" to "Marginal Land", to Rezone Land from "Impacted Forest Land (F-2)" to "Marginal Land (ML)”, and Adopting Savings and Severability Clauses.  (File 509-PA16-05291; Applicant: Martinez) (ROLLED TO 3/12/19)

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ORDER 19-02-05-01
/ In the Matter of Reappointing Three Members to the Poverty and Homelessness Board.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-05-02/ In the Matter of Authorizing the Sale of County Owned Property for $95,000 to Michael and Maecey Castle, Map No. 17-04-16-43-05600, 2130 Primrose, Eugene.   (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-05-03/ In the Matter of the Establishment of a Section of Springfield-Creswell Hwy (OR 222), Commonly Known As Cloverdale Road, as Part of County Road No. 937, Located in Sections 7, 8, and 18, Township 19 South, Range 2 West, and Sections 13 and 14, Township 19 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian.  (19-02-07, 08 & 18) (19-03-13 & 14)  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-05-04/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Decision both Dismissing the Appeal and Affirming the Planning Director’s Decision to Approve a Template Dwelling in the Impacted Forest Lands Zone (F-2) on Tax Lot 2403, Assessor’s Map 17-06-10. (File No. 509-PA18-05289; J&K Timber, Jones, and Lanfear)  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-05-05/ In the Matter of Electing Whether or Not to Hear an Appeal of a Hearings Official Reconsidered Decision Affirming the Planning Director’s approval of the request by Oregon Country Fair for a Special Use Permit on Tax Lot 1400, assessor’s map 17-06-25-30; Tax Lots 1801, 2900, 3200, 3203, 3300, 3401, 3402, and 3403, assessor’s map 17-06-26; Tax Lots 100, 102, and 103, assessor’s map 17-06-35; (File No. 509-PA15-05195/Oregon Country Fair).  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-05-06/ In the Matter of the Establishment of a Section of Springfield-Creswell Hwy (OR 222), Commonly Known As Parkway Road, as County Road No. 2281, Located in Sections 14, 15, 22, 27 and 34, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian.   (18-02-14, 15, 22, 27 & 34)  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-05-07/ In the Matter of Confirming the Appointment of Donald Weick to the Parks Advisory Committee. (PULLED)


ORDER 19-02-05-08/ In the Matter of Adopting Local Economic Impact Goals for the Lane County Courthouse Project and Directing Staff to Incorporate the Goals in the Project Through a Community Benefits Agreement.  (PASSED)


ORDER 19-02-05-09/ In the Matter of Approving the Jurisdictional Transfer of Territorial Highway (Oregon Route 200) From ODOT to Lane County, and Granting Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement.   (PASSED)

(View Agenda) (View Minutes)

ORDER 18-12-18-13/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapter 5 to Revise Provisions Pertaining to Monetary Penalties Related to Gatherings. (LM 5.020) (NO MOTION, FAILED)

ORDER 19-01-29-01
/ In the Matter of Amending Lane Manual Chapters 3 and 61 to Move the Workers’ Compensation Program and Delegate Settlement Authority of $50,000 or below to the Risk Manager And/or County Counsel. (LM 3.064, 61.060) (PASSED)


ORDER 19-01-29-02/ In the Matter of Approving Certain Public Works Contracts and Amendments and Delegating Authority to the County Administrator to Execute the Approved Contracts and Amendments.   (PASSED)


ORDER 19-01-29-03/ In the Matter of Referring a General Obligation Bond to the Voters of Lane County to Construct a New County Courthouse to Improve Safety, Accessibility, Efficiency, and Service. (ROLLED TO 2/26/19)


ORDER 19-01-29-04/ In the Matter of Approving the Technical Assistance Collaborative (TAC) Report; Directing the County Administrator to Work with the City Manager to Establish a Framework and Plan for Implementing the TAC Report; Establish a Steering Committee to Provide Feedback During Development of the Implementation Plan.  (PASSED)