The Capital Improvement Program – Road and Bridge Projects (CIP-RBP) is a supplemental narrative to the countywide Capital Improvement Plan (LC CIP). The LC CIP is a five-year document that identifies countywide projects planned for investments, including facilities (building repairs, etc.), technology (equipment purchases, etc.), waste management (related to landfill and transfer sites), and roads and bridges. Historically, Public Works maintained a separate CIP for road and bridge projects; in 2018, those projects were integrated into the countywide CIP. In order to maintain more detailed descriptions of projects, Public Works continues to publish a supplemental document, the CIP-RBP, which:
- Reviews the existing conditions
- Provides the funding context
- Explains the relationship to other planning efforts
- Documents the prioritization process
- Reports on the delivery of past projects
- Describes project categories
- Summarizes future programming of projects
Click below to see a visual representation of projects for Fiscal Years 2025-2029
CIP StoryMap
For more information, contact:
Sasha Vartanian
Engineering and Construction Services Division Manager
(541) 682-6598