Martin Luther King Jr. Education Center

2515 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401



Matt Sterner
Program Supervisor


The Martin Luther King Education Center serves middle and high school students who have an active case with Lane County Youth Services (YS). This program is a collaboration between YS and the Lane Education Service District (Lane ESD). Youth Services staff are primarily responsible for campus safety, competency development, and vocational development. Lane ESD staff concentrate on teaching and assisting in academic goals and achievement.

Collaboration between agencies is a main component of the M.L.K. Ed. Center program. Partnerships with the M.L.K. Ed. Center include Center for Family Development (CFD) which offers individual/family counseling and support for students who would like extra help in this area. Additionally, CFD and local area colleges, such as the University of Oregon and Lane Community College, provide tutors and interns to work one-on-one with students to assist in overall program and youth development. The Lane Workforce Partnership, a federal workforce investment act grant, presents internships and employment support for youth.

The purpose of the Martin Luther King Education Center is to provide wrap-around services and support to juvenile offenders who have experienced multiple interruptions in a traditional school placement. Because of the unique services we offer, we have observed dramatic, positive changes in youth’s behavior, performance, and attitude. With the combination of our educational/vocational program, we have seen an enhanced sense of campus safety and community for all youth.

We are proud to note that the overall reading and math scores of students enrolled in the M.L.K. Ed. Center have increased by two grade levels and recidivism/re-offense has shown a 70% reduction.


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