Respiratory Diseases Making Rounds in Lane County

Respiratory Diseases Making Rounds in Lane County
Posted on 01/24/2016

By Amber Wilmarth Jan. 24, 2016


EUGENE, Ore. -- Respiratory diseases are making their rounds, as flu season hits its peak in Lane County.


You may have noticed more sniffling, sneezing and coughing while at work, out shopping or even at home. That's because this time of the year, more people are catching a cold or the flu.


Jason Davis with Lane County Health and Human Services says September through April is respiratory disease season. He said because of the cold weather outside, more people are staying indoors. By being inside, people are sharing air and surfaces, which results in the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.


Davis said because we have so many upper respiratory illnesses going around right now, your body is more susceptible to catching them.


With a typical cold, Davis said you'll experience congestions and maybe a cough. He said influenza is more severe, with body aches, a fever and possibly nausea.


Davis said the best way to prevent catching the flu is to get vaccinated. Also, he said to wash your hands, sneeze or cough into your elbow, and to eat a healthy, balanced diet.


Davis said even though flu season has peaked, it's not too late to get a flu vaccine.

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