Old Hazeldell Quarry Project Page

Plan Amendment & Zone Change (file 509-PA15-05803) with Site Review (file 509-PA15-05804)

Next Step:
During the Board of Commissioners deliberations on December 13, 2016, the Board voted 4-1 to tentatively approve the application.

The Board's final decision is anticipated during a March 14, 2017 continued deliberations public meeting at 1:30 pm in Harris Hall, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon. (Original date of February 14, 2017 was delayed to March 14, 2017)

Staff will provide a revised Ordinance with associated findings and final revised conditions to the Board to make a decision. This information will be provided in a supplemental packet to the Board, which will be posted on the Board's website 1 week prior to the meeting.

At this time, no public comments will be accepted or allowed as the record has been closed.

Proposal:   A request for a Major Plan Amendment to amend the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan (RCP) to: 
    (1) add a new quarry site to the Lane County Inventory of Significant Mineral and Aggregate Sites, and to authorize mining and processing pursuant to Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660-023-180; 

 a request to amend the RCP to redesignate land from Forest (F) to Natural Resource: Mineral (NR:M) and rezone that land from Non-Impacted Forest Land (F-1) Zone and Impacted Forest Land (F-2)  Zone to Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone; 
    (3) and a request for a Site Review for the review of the proposed mining operations pursuant to Lane Code 16.257(4)(a)-(j)

Approval Criteria: The Goal 5 Mineral & Aggregate administrative rule (OAR 660-023-180) establishes the main criteria by which the County must determine if the requested site meets the Mineral & Aggregate approval criteria. Other criteria for the Major Amendment local review process are found in Lane Code 16.400(6)(h) Method of Adoption and Amendment, Lane Code 16.252(2) Procedures for Zoning, Rezoning, and Amendments to Requirements, and Lane Code 12.050 Method of Adoption and Amendment. Additional review standards or criteria for this application include compliance with the Oregon Statewide Planning Goals, applicable transportation regulations, and applicable Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan policies.

Plan Amendment Process Handout 

Staff Reports & Meeting Documents: 
*Documents will be updated on a weekly basis, as needed or as staff receives comments.*

Link to Lane County Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes 

Link to Lane County Board of Commissioners' Agendas 

December 13, 2016 - Board of Commissioners 3rd Reading / Deliberations

Link to Board Agenda Website
(Find the agenda for December 13, 2016, materials are linked from there)

October 12, 2016 - Board of Commissioners 2nd Reading / Public Hearing

Link to Board Agenda Website
(Find the agenda for October 12, 2016, materials are linked from there)

September 27, 2016 - Board of Commissioners 1st Reading

Link to Board Agenda Website
(Find the agenda for September 27, 2016, materials are linked from there)

July 26, 2016 - Planning Commission Deliberations

Public Comments During Open Record Period

June 27, 2016 - Applicant's Rebuttal to comments
Letter from Applicant's Agent

June 21, 2016 - Additional Comments Received between June 1-21st
Staff scanned in the received comments in increments, resulting in items A through D below.
Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D

May 31, 2016 - Additional Comments Received between May 11-31st
Staff scanned in the received comments in increments of approximately 100 pages, resulting in items A through C below.  
Section A,  Section B,  Section C  

May 10, 2016 - Lane County Planning Commission Continued Public Hearing

April 19, 2016 - Lane County Planning Commission Public Hearing

Staff Report Packet 
   *The applicant's full application packet can be found under Other Relevant Information on this page.

April 5, 2016 - Lane County Planning Commission (LCPC) Work Session

*A training was given to the LCPC members as an opportunity for them to learn about the complex Goal 5 Mining application process.
Staff Memo 
Power Point Presentation 

Other Relevant Information: 

The Application Packet - Dated December 8, 2015 
Part 1 (pages 1-449)        Part 2 (pages 450-848)         Part 3  (pages 849-1100)
This packet does not contain amended maps and/or supplemental information submitted by the applicant after December 8, 2015. Supplemental information should be provided by staff to the reviewing body as attachments to their staff reports. For complete review of the application materials you may visit the Land Management Division office or request copies for a fee.

Uses Authorized Under the Proposed Zoning Classification: can be found under the Quarry and Mine Operations (QM) Zone in Lane Code 16.216 (load code link).

Existing Plan and Zone Maps

Proposed Plan and Zone Maps

OAR 660-023-00180 

Project Manager:

Dorian Kuper, Kuper Consulting LLC
(503) 638-9722
[email protected]  

Lane County Staff Contact:
Deanna Wright, Associate Planner
Land Management Division
3050 N. Delta Hwy
Eugene, OR 97408
[email protected]