K9 Unit

StarThe value of police canine teams is demonstrated in an increased level of deputy safety and more efficient use of patrol time.  The Lane County Sheriff's Office has three K9 Units.

Authorized staffing levels limit the number of deputies available for any scene, making traditional perimeter and search operations more complex. The use of a police K9 increases the likelihood of locating suspects who have fled the immediate area while providing an additional layer of safety to deputies; decreasing the search time and amount of staff needed to complete a safe and thorough search. 

Police canine teamsPolice dog possess specialized skills that require constant training and certification.  K9 teams are required to pass the annual OPCA (Oregon Police Canine Association) standards testing to remain eligible to do police work. Both our K9 teams completed a basic canine academy where they received an initial 240 hours of training. They also complete a minimum of 16 hours of formal training each month, and attend the fall and spring OPCA seminars each year.

All of the Sheriff's Office K-9s live with their deputy handlers.  Food, veterinary care, and equipment for the dogs are provided through generous donations from members of our community as well as local fundraisers. 

Help us keep the K9 program alive!  Donations go directly to the K9 program to supply food, veterinary care, and equipment. 

Donations can be mailed or dropped off at:

Lane County Sheriff's Office
125 E. 8th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97401.

Donations can also be made online by visiting:

Lane County Sheriff Donations, OR - Online Payments (pointandpay.net)

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