Poverty and Homelessness Board

151 W 7th Ave, Room 560
Eugene, OR  97401 



Board Meeting Webcasts
Starting October 2018, all Poverty and Homelessness Board meetings are webcast and available to watch here: https://lanecounty.ompnetwork.org/


The Poverty and Homelessness Board (PHB) is an action oriented group of elected officials, community stakeholders, and individuals who represent low-income and homeless people's concerns.

Meeting Schedule

The PHB meets the third Thursday of each month, noon to 1:30 p.m. 

The All Member meetings are held in Harris Hall at the Lane County Public Service Building.  The meetings are hybrid:  in person, by Zoom, and by Metro TV. 

You can join the meeting through Zoom from your computer, tablet or smartphone: 

Join ZoomGov Meeting


Meeting ID: 160 071 3909

Passcode: 789992


One tap mobile

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+16692161590,,1600713909# US (San Jose)


Dial by your location

• +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)

• +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose)

• +1 415 449 4000 US (US Spanish Line)

• +1 551 285 1373 US (New Jersey)

• +1 646 828 7666 US (New York)

• +1 646 964 1167 US (US Spanish Line)


Contact: Diana Alldredge 541-682-4688; [email protected]

You can watch LIVE on Comcast Channel 21 or at https://lanecounty.ompnetwork.org/

2024 PHB Alternating Schedule All Member and Executive Committee meetings

View the Lane County Calendar for Meeting Time and Location


The Board Membership consists of 15 voting positions- A quorum for the purpose of doing business shall be a majority of the PHB membership which constitutes half plus one.  Five non-voting members attend meetings and participate in the discussion representing their agencies.

Membership Term

Elected representatives shall serve for a term of one year, which terms shall begin within thirty days after the beginning of the calendar year.

PHB members shall serve for terms of three years.

Department Website



DATE: July 31, 2024

CONTACT: Diana Alldredge, [email protected]

The PHB application is now open through end of day, Friday September 6, 2024.

There are a total of Three (3) Sector Representative seats open at this time.

Please use this e-form to apply: PHB Member Application

The Lane County Board of Commissioners, through the Human Services Division (HSD), is seeking applications from qualified individuals to serve on the Poverty and Homelessness Board.  There are a total of ten (10) seats available at this time:  Five (5) non voting Community Stakeholder, three (3) Lived Experience, and two (2) Sector Representatives.

: Serves in an advisory role to the Board of County Commissioners with the goal of reducing and preventing poverty and homelessness in Lane County. It serves as the administrative board for the Lane County Community Action Agency and as the oversight board for the Lane County Continuum of Care.

Poverty and Homelessness Board (PHB) member tasks include:

  1. Promote community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness and assisting individuals who are low-income to meet their basic needs and achieve self-sufficiency. Including:
  2. a. Working to reduce the number of households experiencing houselessness through holistic, data-driven, system changes and creating/strengthening programs with the regional houselessness crisis response system, including prevention assistance, street outreach, interim shelter, re-housing assistance, permanent supportive housing, and supportive housing.

    b. Supporting highly needed anti-poverty focused programs and collaborations that assist community members by addressing their social determinants of health.

    c.  Develop a strategic PHB plan, including investments, strategies and performance measures; Include past system level investments and performance measures to identify strategies and program outcomes.

  3. Advocate within systems of care for needs that intersect with the houselessness system, including behavioral health (substance abuse and mental health supports), physical health, oral health, food security and criminal justice.
  4. Advocate for significantly more and diverse permanent housing options across Lane County.
  5. Increase access to and effective use of mainstream programs (e.g., ODHS programs, energy assistance, food assistance, school supports).
  6. Lift up the voices of people with lived expertise of houselessness and poverty.
  7. Participate in PHB committee and/or taskgroups.

Members attend one, 1.5 hour meeting every other month and participate in at least one workgroup, often 1 to 1.5 hour per month. One hour of preparation per meeting may be needed.

Members with lived experience of homelessness with are not otherwise paid to attend PHB meeting will receive a stipend for meeting participation.

Please reach out to Diana Alldredge if you have questions or need any accommodations.

[email protected] or 541.682.4688 


Vacancy Posting: Lived Experience Advisory Group for Unhoused Engagement (LEAGUE)

Date: September 29, 2023

The Lived Experience Advisory Group for Unhoused Engagement (LEAGUE) is an advisory group to the Poverty and Homelessness Board (www.LaneCounty.org/PHB). LEAGUE aids in the work of the Poverty and Homelessness Board’s Strategic Plan and accompanying projects.

As this is meant to be a group consisting of those with lived experience, please pass this along to consumer councils, tenant leadership councils, consumer advisory committees, or encourage those with lived experience to apply. Agency staff are strongly encouraged to share this vacancy posting with current or former program participants, post the flyer in the lobby or other public spaces accessible to those accessing services, or otherwise share this posting widely.

Vacancies: We have some open spots on LEAGUE, and we're looking for up to 4 new members. One of them should be from rural Lane County, which means they live or have a lot of experience in rural Oregon or Lane County, but not in the metro Eugene/Springfield area. If you're going through homelessness right now or have gone through it recently, we really want you to think about joining us!

LEAGUE is a group of people who have experienced homelessness in the past or are going through it right now. This group's job is to do a few important things:

  1. We help the Poverty and Homelessness Board with their projects. We look at their plans from the point of view of people who know what it's like to be homeless.
  2. We're experts because we've been there. We also talk to others who are dealing with homelessness and get their thoughts on the services available in Lane County.
  3. We speak up for the needs of homeless individuals and families in Lane County. We make sure that the voices of people who have been through this are heard by the Poverty and Homelessness Board.

This group is about having homeless or formerly homeless folks in the work to make the system better. We want to have a mix of people from different backgrounds and experiences. That means people who have lived in different kinds of homes, people from different races and cultures, young people, survivors of domestic violence, folks from different places in Lane County, and people with disabilities. We meet often to talk about what we can do to help, both in the short term and the long term.

We usually meet on the first Friday of each month in the afternoon, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Sometimes, we might have extra meetings during the year. Right now, most of our meetings happen online using Zoom, but sometimes we have a mix of online and in-person meetings. The meeting schedule might change a bit when new members join.

If this sounds like something you'd like to be part of, please fill out an application!

Members of LEAGUE are eligible for a monthly stipend beginning in 2023.

How to Apply:

Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis. Applications can be found:

Online at: https://bit.ly/LEAGUEAPP

To ask for an application in another format, like paper or verbal, please call 541-682-4203. If you have a question, or are having trouble getting into or filling out the application, you may contact Amanda Borta at [email protected]

PHB Governance Charter

PHB Strategic Plan

2022-2023 PHB Strategic Plan Adopted 8.2022

PHB Strategic Plan 2016-2021
Living Document-PHB Strategic Plan Matrix:  
The Poverty and Homelessness Board actively coordinates community stakeholders to achieve the goals in their Strategic Plan (2016-2021).  This is a living document that is consistently updated.  Please check back for updates on progress towards achieving Strategic Plan goals.