Legislative Committee

Legislative Committee is a standing committee. The County sees a need for standing committees to advise the Board of Commissioners or the County Administrator in areas of interest of the County. Each standing committee shall provide an annual report to the Board by February of each year that highlights the progress, successes and challenges of the committee.   


The function of this committee is to oversee all aspects of legislative and administrative policy making by other deliberative bodies which may affect Lane County's legislative program and:
(a) Ensure staff reviews legislation and rulemaking for fiscal impacts.
(b) Submit proposed legislation and rulemaking to the Board for consideration.
(c) Coordinate all staff lobbying activities.
(d) Monitor state and federal legislative activities.
(e) Establish and periodically review policy principles which staff may utilize to respond to the dynamic environment of Congress and the Oregon Legislative Assembly.
(f) Monitor implementation of newly passed legislation and/or newly adopted rules.

Meeting Schedule

The Committee shall meet as needed, but no less than quarterly


County Administrator.
All department directors or designees.
Two Lane County Board of Commissioners.
Other staff support, as required.

Membership Term

Commissioners appointed through annual committee assignments process at the Board. Staff members serve indefinite terms).


Two members of the Lane County Board of Commissioners shall be appointed as a representative to this committee.

Expiration Date



Either through the annual committee assignments process at the Board (Commissioner Representative) or vote of committee (county staff committee members).
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