Expenditure & Revenue Transparency Reporting

In accordance with direction from the Lane County Commissioners, the Financial Services Subdivision of the Department of County Administration - Operations prepares monthly transparency reports for its Citizens.  Transparency Reporting include monthly schedules of revenues and expenditures, and access to approved board orders and minutes of board meetings.  These transparency reports are designed to meet the reporting requirements of Oregon Revised Statute 294.250.

Copies may be obtained for a fee from Lane County Financial Services, 125 E. 8th Ave, Eugene OR 97401.

What's Included in the Transparency Reports

The report is organized by:
Journal Date – the effective date of the journal
Journal –  the journal number assigned by the financial software
Fund – the fund receiving the revenue
Department – the name of the County Department receiving the revenue
Division – the name of Division within the County Department receiving the revenue
Account – the account type receiving the revenue
Amount – the amount of the revenue received

What's Not Included in the Transparency Reports

Information exempt from disclosure under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and internal transfers between funds or bank accounts and dividends from those investments are not included in this report.  

2024 Wildfire Season Evacuation Information -

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